Fairy Peril

Nov 09, 2010 22:49

Title: Fairy Peril
Author: janna_hawkins 
Summary: Sometimes it pays to listen to your annoying fairy
Characters: Link, Navi
Disclaimer: I own nothing related to The Legend of Zelda except a bunch of the games and two t-shirts
Author Notes: I've been playing quite a bit of my Zelda games(mostly Ocarina of Time and Four Swords)lately so I'm not actually too surprised that I wrote this. It's set somewhere in Ocarina...I haven't decided on the temple but it is adult Link. Dedicated to my friend "Turnip" because she loves Navi


"Hey! Listen!"

The yellow-haired boy clenched his fists and glared at the glowing ball of light hovering above his head. "Could you please at least try to be quiet? Sheik said we're supposed to sneak into this place, remember? It's not going to work if you keep yelling at me for no reason!"



Link stalked forward-and suddenly found himself dangling over what seemed to be a bottomless pit, his fingers barely holding onto the edge. "Augh!"

Navi just watched as the boy pulled himself back onto solid ground and lay there panting. "Hey! Should have listened to me!"

fanfiction: drabble, game: legend of zelda, fanfiction

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