Randomness Squared

Jun 10, 2010 03:33

Like it says up there on the subject line, this'll be random.

Stargate convention in two days: YAY!!!!! Everything is ready except for Star's Stargate shirt...gotta sew on the SGC patches as well as get my Teyla one fixed. I'll do that tomorrow :)

Thanks to our new WiFi I've stayed up late the last three nights chatting with Willlow...so much fun and we've written crossover fics! *hugs*

I've been getting a huge amount of praise from someone on deviantART for my HTTYD fics...so I've felt really special all day :)

My mum, evil sister and I had a fake fight over what dragons we should have while driving around town today. I suggested that mum have the Green Death because it could be like her minivan but she insists on having a Night Fury :P

My littlest brother needed pyjamas today so we bought him Night Fury ones. He looks so adorable in it! I may post pictures sometime :D

Well, I suppose that's about it for now. I suppose I'd better be off to bed. Lots to do tomorrow before the convention!


tv: stargate: convention: mn, nfa: oodlycan, book/film: httyd, life: family: brother

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