*huge sigh of relief*

May 07, 2010 20:42

Well, that's all but two classes done forever. Thank goodness. The toughest of my finals is out of the way too: Archaeology. I had no idea at the beginning of the year that this would be such a difficult class. I got 50's on all the tests no matter how much studying I did. At least it's now over as are my Career Planning and University 189 classes. I only have two other finals to do next week: Speech(we have to give a 2 minute speech and we only get 5 minutes to prepare for it) and Wellness(cumulative final that's gonna take a while). Maybe after they're done I'll have time to work on other stuff.

In other news yesterday danaems  and I went to HTTYD in 3D and it was so much fun! Afterwards we went to Barnes and Noble and I bought the first 2 HTTYD books and she bought a DW comic book. I read the entire first book last night and it was awesome.

Tomorrow the NFA will be having our now annual anti-prom party at Cloud's house. Some of the plans: making a spoof film of The Girl in the Fireplace because Cloud has a two-sided fireplace, possibly watching the newest DW episode together and probably a lot of other stuff. I can't wait :D


nfa: party, life: school: finals, book/film: httyd, nfa: danaems

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