Birthdays, Auctions, Scarans, Destiny and Doctors

Apr 03, 2010 13:17

So...first of all I have to wish a very happy birthday to gentakitten (aka Star) Hope you have a great day, mate!!! As a present, here is the icon I made ya. Note: this is only for Star's use! Do not take!!!

In other news, I have until Tuesday off from school. This is going to be fun! I'll actually have time to do stuff! Like write my Support Stacie fic...which has already been started! Speaking of Support Stacie, I still haven't gotten wiggiemomsi 's prompt. I'd like to know what she's going to ask :)

So, during my break, I've been trying to catch up with Farscape. Lots of fun mostly...Scorpy(Scorpie?)seems to be like Apophis or Michael however...always popping up when you think he's finally dead. I've come to accept that he's probably never going to go away completely. Especially with Harvey in John's head at the moment. I've also gotten David into it and he really wants to see more than the first episode :P

Stargate Universe is finally back! I haven't seen the newest episode yet but it's sitting on my hard drive right now, waiting. I can't wait!!! :D

And finally...Series 5 is here. I'm waiting right now for someone to upload it so I can see Matt and Karen in action. I have a really good feeling about this...


fanstuff: support stacie auction, nfa: gentakitten, tv: farscape, star: matt smith, life: birthday, tv: stargate universe, tv: doctor who: series 5, fanstuff: graphics: icons, tv: the sarah jane adventures, star: karen gillian

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