Feb 14, 2008 17:32

A friend of mind told me on this here Valentine's Day, it was Beautiful Women's Month.

Self-Empowerment to all of the Beautiful Women who know who they are, know where they are going and doing what they want to do without anyone else's opinions or comments, otherwise, changing their minds.

Beauty is in the eyes of the Beholder and a Female who beholds her own beauty and accepts it. She is full of grace & knowledge.  A Goddess of Wisdom, Enchantment, Power, Empowerment.  A Goddess who is Courageous,  and the Protector of her family.  A Goddess who is Spiritual and Enlightening, an ultimate example to others in how a Real Woman is and should be.

Thank you, Almighty, for the Divine Deva called Woman.

JanMaria'sAROUND THE WAY!!! 2008(c), (R) (TM)

2008 (c) Virgin Publishers (R) (TM)

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