Nov 14, 2007 15:53
i am going to vent i need to vent....
i am soooooooooooooo pissed off!!!!! so i have this group project that i am working on and i have to say this is the project from hell!!!!!!!!!!!! and did i mention that i have a term paper due!!!!!!! yes i am very very very busy and about an hour ago i had to write an outline for my project..... did i mention i wasn't ready at all!!!!!!!!! yes i was very very stressed and wrote bullshit for it and it was the worst outline of my life.... so yes i have two things to write and no i'm not happy about it at all!!!!!!!!
i am sooooooooooooo busy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! this sucks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and on a bright side only three more weeks till its all over!!!! so yeay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
have to go and pay attention....
son of a diddly!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!