Dec 17, 2003 17:56
The human mind is a funny thing. It is odd to me how easily it can break, or snap. Have you ever thought about just having a blank slate again? Just having nothing programed in your mind anymore. I wonder what we would see and think if society did not tell us what to see and think. Obviously everyone's reality would be different, like everyone is in different worlds. Wouldn't it be nice to decide what things mean to you, and not to have it told to you. A friend recently said all he knows is his name. All he knows is his name. The mind can stretch and bend so much, that the reality of this world that we live in is twisted and gone. Its strange how you can get lost in your own mind...maybe to never come back. But those people are crazy right? Crazy is relative though. Everyone thinks differently, but its those that are noticably different that we cast out as "crazy". It seems so easy to just slip into the oblivion of a mind. To just snap, and everything in this world is gone, and youre in your own. I sometimes wonder what that's like, to be "crazy", and sometimes I think I know. I wonder also what more we could accomplish if we just decided to try to look beyond what we are taught to look for, and the way we look for things. I dont know if we can rid ourselves of everything we know, and have learned, but to just think of the world beyond what we can grasp right now, to think of all the ideas and ways of thinking that we would be able to experience. A lot of artists are "crazy" or troubled...blah blah blah..but I think this maybe shows that great ideas, new ideas, new visions come from people whose way of thinking doesnt conincide with society's program. Tonight, maybe you could think completely backwards, or just question anything...something like....think about whats beautiful to you ever wonder why you see what u do when the word beautiful is said?...its been programed into our minds....think outside the box