I got this from Mom (Ashlie's mom)

Aug 05, 2005 13:25


Scripture says "confess your sins to each another and pray for each other so that you may BE HEALED." (James 5:16)

So that you may be healed!!

How many secrets do you have?

How many friends do you have that know?
Does anyone know?
Is it too shameful?
How many church services or small groups have you been to where secrets are kept...where real grit sins aren't talked about...dirty sins. Where the conversations are kept to “I struggle with staying in the word…with prayer…with getting up to do my quiet times.” (We oughtta number those 1-3 and have everyone hold up a sign when their turn comes!) And while those deep heartfelt sins and struggles are being confessed, the scars on the arms and upper legs are being hidden…or the gum is hiding the breath fresh from vodka…or the bedroom door protects… I don’t even need to say it, do I?

But we don’t talk about it…our friends don’t know. Our parents don’t know. Our pastor doesn’t know. NO! They can NEVER know!

Secrets kept. Christians entangled. Christians ENSLAVED

What do you say after a night when the oldest and deepest secrets are told? What do you say after God moves on a congregation to confess their most shameful acts and thoughts? What do you say?

Are the tears praise or grief?

Grief, O Lord, GRIEF - Great God in heaven, how can Satan have gotten such a hold on your children?!! Grief over how much they’ve been held back from the FREEDOM that you’ve won for them!! Grief, Lord, over the pain they’ve been hiding, the pain they’ve been suffering, the torment of their dreams, the torment of their own hands, O Lord

Praise Lord, PRAISE, at their confession! Praise Lord at the freedom ringing in the air as chains crash to the ground - loud, echoing, piercing. Let freedom ring!! Rain down your mercy! Praise you God that YOU arranged that night. That YOU knew what was going on in every dark corner of their…of our minds…and of our homes. Praise God that YOU called and said “I want to give you freedom tonight.” YOU put a stop to it Lord, YOU!! Praise, honor and glory are ALL Yours!!

How many people have I talked to that I knew nothing about...but thought I knew everything?

Did I ever ask?
Was my life an open invitation for them to be real?
Was I safe?

Why didn't I ask?
Why didn't the church ask...or invite...invite open confession for the sake of freedom?

What a novel idea, huh?



Not eating



Judgment against your friends

Judgment against your parents

Judgment against your church

Sex out of God’s will




A little snort

A lot of snort




Self mutilation




O Lord!!!

Free us!!!!

We are sealed! We are saved! We ARE Your children!

Free us!!!!

Here's the deal - Here's the call: If there is a sin or bondage in your life, something you need to confess, find someone...find someone to tell. Check your righteousness if your response is "I don't need to tell anyone, all I need to do is confess it to God." Lemme ask you this: Did you confess it to God once before? Did the sin leave your life? Did it lose it's hold on you? Let me say again: If there is a sin or bondage in your life, something you need to confess, find someone...find someone you can trust...someone who will pray for you...find someone to tell.

"confess your sins to each another and pray for each other so that you may BE HEALED."

My brothers (and sisters), if one of you should wander from the truth and someone should bring him back, remember this: Whoever turns a sinner from the error of his way will save him from death and cover a multitude of sins. (James 5:19-20 emphasis mine)

"confess your sins to each another and pray for each other so that you may BE HEALED."

The prayer of a righteous man is powerful and effective. (James 5:16)

There's so much power in secrets. Power not from God. And that power needs to be exposed and demolished. The enemy only has power in the darkness. Expose him and remove his power. He will NO LONGER have power over you.

If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness. (1John 1:9 emphasis mine)

And Lord, fill that vacant spot once occupied by Satan’s secret. Fill that spot swept clean. Fill that spot so that NONE will return. Fill that so that seven times the damage is not done. (Luke 11:26)

Find someone.


Pass this on. Pass this to friends. Pass this to family. Pass this around the world. Copy it, forward it, mail it, post it on the walls in public. Take back the territory the enemy was stupid enough to mess with - it’s GOD’S territory!!
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