Aug 30, 2004 22:28
So yeah some of my friends give me a little grief because I listen and sometimes enjoy Folk music. So I thought I would take the time to explain what I like about folk music. A truly great folk singer can sing about literally anything and still make a good song. The singer evokes the innocence and sincerity akin to Micheal Landon singing his children to sleep. Don't get me wrong a bad folk singer can attain the detached condensation of the preachiest hippie, and nothing is worse than a preachy hippie. But the good folk singer can create a relaxed easiness in the listener that can make all your big problems disappear if just for 3 minutes and 45 seconds.
Sorry I can't really define the qualities in my mind that separate the good and bad maybe a tone of voice, but there you have it my Folk Music Ramble.