Lil more.

Nov 12, 2009 21:15

Well, at least the preview looked like it would be possibly worth the time to tune in.

Because this? Wasn't.

I could go on about the jerk-off that was this ep. Or the fact that I've never even BEEN to an SPN con but find Becky et al to be a middle finger. So there was some sort of awww apologetic ending, whatever.

I'm going to zero in on this: There's no fucking story here. There hasn't been, for weeks.

That isn't what I signed on for. If I were wanting the yucks, I'd watch some other show. I want the show this has purported to BE for numerous seasons now. I don't want an hour of self-aggrandizement.

Give me the fucking STORY, or shut the fuck up. I DON'T CARE. I don't give a shit that some fans are freaky. I don't care if there's such a thing as LARPing, or that it's the setup for every other fucking joke on this thing.

This is absolute bullshit. If there is THIS LITTLE STORY left to tell that we have THIS much time to lie around jerking off like this? Then this show is doomed. There is no good payoff, if we have time to fuck around for four or five weeks. This is PADDING.

The preview looks promising, and please don't spoil me. I would like to believe that this show has anything left in it besides staring lovingly at itself in a fucking mirror.

Fuck, what WAS this load of shit? Where the hell did the SHOW go? Because this pile of runny offal sure as fuck wasn't a show.

ep commentary, spoilers, supernatural

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