I love it when my vernacular aligns with canon.

Sep 17, 2009 21:34

Because my y'all was the big thing that really stuck in my speech when I lived up in the northeast. Heee.

I may have to revise my opinion of Sera Gamble. This ep was mature, intelligent, and unstinting. There was Sam!Emo, but it was appropriate; little Dean!Emo, same. Castiel is maturing as a character, becoming more interesting as he goes.

And I was utterly delighted to see Ellen and Jo, and Rufus was tremendous -- even if I will always, always have 21JS and XF moments when I see him.

Bobby is breaking my heart. His pain is making him stony, and it hurts terribly to see. I hope Castiel DOES get his mojo back by season's end. Although I also wish I could tell Bobby that he didn't die, and that time may give him perspective -- but I hate how bitter he sounds. Don't blame him, but yeah, it hurts.

This ep was riveting for me -- from the spectacularly cool x-ray, to Castiel's eternal eye-fuck with Dean, to the case itself. Fascinating twists and turns, great "hey, it's that guy" actor cast as War -- wow, did that ever seem like a crib from Good Omens there, although hafta admit, these days War really WOULD drive a hot red car -- the mythology, portents and omens. That poor town will have some serious anguish now that the truth is revealed. Poor people.

And mature, no less, in how the show is handling Dean and Sam's complete disconnect. It hurts on every level -- I truly hate seeing it come to this -- but it felt remarkably organic. Their work in this ep was like watching a three-legged dog -- there was so much static between them, it was awful to see. A limping fragment of the teamwork they once had. And if this is what it takes to keep them side-by-side.... Well, both of them need to grow. And I'm absolutely unconvinced that they could grow, ever, as they need to, if they stayed together. I doubt the separation will be long -- maybe even only an ep or two. But lots and lots can happen in one or two eps, and it may serve. Sam needs time to grapple with his personal epiphanies, and Dean needs time to find his balance again. Both of them are wildly off center, and this time proximity is only making the stutter worse.

That being said? I really, REALLY hope they aren't separated for long. Much as I enjoy Castiel's moments, I'm not a Dean/Cas person, particularly, and none of it means as much when Sam isn't around. Likewise what happens with Sam -- ultimately the person who needs to get to know Sam all over again isn't only Sam, it's Dean. Neither of them really knows the other anymore. Too much change. Too much divisiveness. I still have very little interest in ascribing blame. Who gives a crap? I just want them to mesh again, to feel like brothers again, and if going their separate ways will help bring that along, then I am all for it.

Just, you know. Not a LONG separation. But I don't imagine the show will do that. They'll team up again pretty soon.

good god y'all, ep commentary, spoilers, supernatural

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