One passing thought.

Sep 11, 2009 05:46

I wanted to add something to my thoughts on Sam, and specifically on Sam-and-Dean -- the timing of Dean's statements at the end of the ep and Sam's response to them.

I don't know that I felt good hearing Dean state things so baldly -- it hurt, for Sam's sake. At the same time, I feel it should be said: It is not Dean's responsibility to make Sam feel better. By which I mean, it is not Dean's ROLE to do that. I've advocated a modicum of self-interest on Dean's behalf before, and while I don't mean that to be at the expense of others, at all, I still think it's necessary for HIS growth as a person. Dean's co-dependence has been a hallmark of this series; it's good to see him say what he really thinks.

In terms of the blame game, I am not really very interested. What happened, happened. It is how they respond to it now that makes the difference. Both these guys need to evolve; it isn't only Sam. Dean's been almost artificially selfless on numerous occasions in canon. I'm glad to see him take a stance -- in spite of his overwhelming and obvious love for Sam, it's good to hear him say he needs some space. OTOH, Sam WANTS Dean to make him feel better, and the fact that he did not do so here was hurtful. Of course.

I do feel that a distinction ought to be made, though. It is not Dean's forgiveness Sam needs to seek, or that will make this right again. It is his own. Dean spent last season fully aware of his own actions. Is it wrong to see Sam having the same sorts of epiphanies? I don't wish Sam unnecessary pain, but actions -- even misguided ones -- have consequences. They BOTH see that now in ways they could not have, before.

season 5, supernatural, sympathy for the devil

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