You know?

Sep 06, 2009 07:47

Small grammatical rant this morning. Consider yourself warned.

"Yanno" isn't a word. It simply isn't. It isn't a contraction, it isn't a WORD. "You know," or more colloquially, "y'know," works just fine. "Yanno" looks like a misspelling of Yanni, and also creates unfortunate associations in my musically oriented brain. I can accept certain trends in grammar as natural organic growths -- for example, the idea that "I feel nausous nauseous" (ETA: Y'all should have busted my chops over that typo -- LOL!) is now the same as saying "I feel nauseated," even though "nauseous" used to mean creating a feeling of nausea in others, not the state of it within oneself. Or the slow, lingering death of the serial comma.

But "yanno" is just WRONG. Please, please don't do it. I'm begging you. (And I've seen it in more than one story lately, so this isn't to one single person.)

Next is really widespread, many MANY examples of this. But here we go: Them's the breaks, but we hit the brakes when we're driving. We don't use the breaks to slow our car. We use the brakes. My heart breaks every time I read someone hitting the breaks instead of the brakes.

There, I'm done. ::weak wave::

writing, grammar

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