Well, then.

Jul 27, 2009 21:56

I can definitely say that after this time away, watching GD again is like the first time. I actually think I reacted even more strongly than when it first aired. I certainly cried more -- I mean, mostly getting misty, but there when Gil and Warrick open the coffin and we hear Nick's voice? His hands reaching up to them ( Read more... )

grave danger, em's csi renaissance, csi, nick the woobie

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Comments 18

embroiderama July 28 2009, 03:15:19 UTC
*covers your icon with my hand*


janissa11 July 28 2009, 03:17:34 UTC
HEEEEEEEE! Sorry, honey. *picks another*


embroiderama July 28 2009, 03:20:28 UTC
I'm such a weenie when it comes to bugs.


(The comment has been removed)

tmtrx July 28 2009, 03:30:56 UTC
Hi! Lurker here, delurking, to say I had the same urge to re-watch GD a few weeks ago. I've watched it a few times since it originally aired, but it's been a couple years since the last time. It's so hard to watch him in that box, and then watching the team watch him is just... ugh, so sad.

And when Grissom is lip-reading along with Nick's goodbye note? That is just a great, sweet little moment in the middle of all the horror. And it just makes what comes next that much worse.

Anyway, just had to chime in here, since it's pretty fresh in my mind still. :)


janissa11 July 28 2009, 03:38:53 UTC
That is a wonderful moment -- god, I remember it just about killed me the first time. Oh, GIL. And when he says, "...they won't bite. As much." UGH.

Fantastic stuff. Man.


embroiderama July 28 2009, 03:42:22 UTC
Eeep, sorry about my stupid icon freakout! I really do need to go back and rewatch poor buried Nicky. One of the things that gets to me is that whole thing where throughout it all everyone on the team is emotionally/mentally reaching out to Nick and Nick is reaching back, trying to grasp onto something. And then when they're there, but they still can't quite touch physically... Oh, my heart.


janissa11 July 28 2009, 12:23:48 UTC
I didn't expect to get so teary over it, myself, but watching it again -- the intensity of it really lasts. *nod*


hishighnesshiko July 28 2009, 04:11:19 UTC
OH crap. Just lost a lengthy comment because of the stupid lag on my laptop and a lack of patience on my part. Damn ( ... )


hishighnesshiko July 28 2009, 04:16:16 UTC
Oh, and the other thing I'd put in there originally was that the only other character I could really imagine in the box was Sara. Not the oddly out-of-character Sara from nearer the end of her character's run (I never really bought the way they did the Grissom/Sara pairing), but the independently awesome Sara who was occasionally written that way in show but always that way in my head... Not so mature as to be too mentally and physically inflexible (need some bounce-back!) and not so extraverted as to go completely nuts within five minutes (uh, Greg)...

It would be a totally different story at that point, but she's the only other character who works for me in that scenario. Maybe because she's always seemed like a literal and figurative 'sister' character to Nick from my perspective. Still, I'll bet if that had been done for real, it'd have picked up too much of a damsel vibe, which is all wrong.


janissa11 July 28 2009, 12:27:32 UTC
Sara might have coped well enough to survive -- I don't know. But I'm glad QT chose Nicky for the experience -- although I feel deeply for the poor guy, I think his choice was a very appropriate one. You know?


lillybette July 28 2009, 06:27:05 UTC
wow!!! thank u for the link...never knew about the real-life story..humans are CRAZY!!!!!!

that was the best CSI episode ever
the 2nd best is S09E16 "Turn, Turn, Turn" Taylor Swift was the guest star and the epi had Nick in the focus again
i love Nicks character!!!!


jane_eyre July 28 2009, 04:56:46 UTC
I actually wore out my tape from re-watching this episode so often, before I had it on my computer or DVD. It's one of those episodes that every time you watch it you pick up something new. It's also one of the few things QT has done that I was really impressed by. Of course, it's also one of the episodes that left me wanting to read tags for it since the end of the episode showed so much potential for more hurt/comfort.

I agree with your side note, but I actually didn't think of it when I originally saw the episode.


janissa11 July 28 2009, 12:33:26 UTC
You know, one of the best moments in the entire episode was Nick's meeting with Kelly Gordon. We see that he HAS kept going, and yet somehow his tears there are like a gut-punch. I think Nick Stokes is a phenomenal character, but not in a traditionally heroic sense. It's -- somehow all summed up in that one scene. Not just that he isn't angry with her -- he's right, it wasn't her fault her dad did what he did -- but that he's able to think of HER, to hope that she will be okay. That's Nick, right there.

Of course in that very last scene in her cell she may have been smiling while she plotted shooting Nick in the head when she gets out, but oh well. *wry*


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