I realize this may be a tiresome number of posts.

Jul 27, 2009 21:21

But it's Nicky, and he's worth it, bebeh ( Read more... )

grave danger, em's csi renaissance, csi, nick the woobie

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Comments 2

mb_tech_net July 28 2009, 04:40:38 UTC
That was always the best and most heart wrenching part for me too. I felt more for him in that moment than throughout almost any other time in any episode, (barring 'who are you' and 'stalker'. I mean, I didn't just feel for him, I felt with him. The emotions really came across. I felt that his expression, the whole complete moment spoke for me too.


janissa11 July 28 2009, 12:38:36 UTC
He played that scene so well. It's one thing to want out of that coffin; it's another to suddenly realize that coffin is the only thing between you and suffocation. ::shiver::


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