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fates3 May 8 2009, 03:22:13 UTC
The fact that Sam actively tried to kill Dean and picked his demon girlfriend over his brother, drew the line for me.

I honestly don't know how they are going to redeem Sam for me. Or make right the brother relationship. Dean is back from Hell and back from the dead, the lowest of the low, and yet this season all I have felt from Sam is kind of an obligatory relationship towards Dean where in Sam acts like Dean is the albatross around his neck.

I'm just...I don't know how they can redeem Sam for me. They just took him too far. When Dean told him that if Sam walked out that door not to come back, I cheered. The only sad part about tonight's ep to me was seeing how one sided this relationship between the brothers truly is, and knowing that Dean will eventually take Sam back and we will start this horrible, dysfunctional cycle all over again.


kann_opener May 8 2009, 03:29:05 UTC
I agree. I can see Sam's rational in everything else - being practical, etc. And I can see all the grey area. But I really could not forgive him for trying to kill Dean actively, and while he was relatively sane.

Though the if you walk out of that door don't come back line from Dean was meant to draw a parallel between Stanford and now, I see it MUCH differently. Sam in Stanford I can support, he wants to do his own thing, live his own life, I can agree with him for that. But this time I can't help but think it's Sam who is walking out on Dean.

I tried not to see it during the season, but the active attempt at killing Dean, and not even looking SURPRISED at himself after he let go, really drew the line for me.


leelust May 8 2009, 04:32:09 UTC
Yes, this! I just don't see how he will be able to redeem himself from attempt of murdering. I don't care about what he was saying, i'm being practical and count only acts - Sam chose Ruby over Dean and Sam was trying to kill Dean for saying the truth. For it's the line and he crossed it and didn't even look back. Goodbye, Sam. Don't come back.


muffaletta May 8 2009, 05:16:23 UTC
Yeah, that's where I'm at too. Even though I didn't agree with Sam's choices, I was still able to feel sorry for him up to that point. But once Sam deliberately tried to kill Dean, spoke to his fallen brother with such hatred, and then left with Ruby, that was it.


gretazreta May 8 2009, 11:10:57 UTC
I was just reading this going "no! no! no!" so sorry I thought I would like to comment here (sorry to intrude that is).

For me the redeeming thing is: SAM COULD HAVE KILLED DEAN. But he did not. If he was wholly evil, he would have, there would be no point in not. And Dean made it entirely too easy for him to leave - it was a matter of pride, and Sam is prideful, and pride-hurt and it all was too much like John Winchester all over again (and they were friends again at the end!).

He's still our Sam, underneath it all, I really truly believe that. And, more importantly, he's Dean's Sam. And Dean can't be Dean without Sam. I love them BOTH and it hurts like mad, but whatever's happening and wherever all this is going to end up, this isn't about the apocalypse, it's STILL about DeanandSam.

And it still will be no matter what the outcome is. *crosses fingers, knocks wood*


leelust May 26 2009, 09:48:02 UTC
Can't remember if i replied to this, got messed up with notifications so sorry if i repeat myself but ITA.


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