The Rapture

Apr 30, 2009 21:03


I admit I was spoiled about the bit at the end, so I saw it telegraphed throughout the ep. But --

Let me just take a deep breath.


Jimmy's story was far more compelling than I expected it to be, largely because I was riveted by MC NOT being Castiel. Beautifully acted. His family, well, seemed kinda ULTRA-perfect, but still, it worked.

I am sort of -- SORT OF? -- diverted by Sam's utter meltdown. FUUUUCK, Sam, you are a fucking MESS. ::holds head:: Even knowing this was coming, it was godawful seeing it. That moment when he turns around and UGH, it's like seeing someone naked and -- Well, I wouldn't mind seeing HIM naked, but ANYWAY. It really hit my embarrassment squick, and yet this thread of righteousness, too, because, well, Sam's been living on the edge for ages. I wanted Dean to know how bad it was, although finding out THIS way --

::writhes for a moment::


AND THE PREVIEW. Wait, Dean, what are you promising?? Sam, what is on your FACE? Oh, hey, Bobby, good to see you!

Too much to even be able to coherently address yet. Must let it stew a bit.

ep commentary, supernatural, the rapture

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