Monster at the End of This Book

Apr 02, 2009 21:33

Okay, before anything -- please tell me someone besides me was sitting there thinking of Stephen King?


You know, I realize I've been the little dark thundercloud lately with the show, and whatnot. But for the most part I really, really enjoyed this ep. I especially liked the little chat between Sam and Chuck. I mean, like Sam can lie to CHUCK? It was so refreshing to hear Sam saying something -- that sounded like SAM. Sort of brought home how much I've missed Sam this season -- how un-Sam he truly has seemed, so often. To me.

Castiel was awesome. The opening with the LARPing -- holy crap, that was GREAT. And the tattoos.

Anyone else notice Samantha Mulder was there? That was jolting. "You got your SPN in my XF." "No, YOU got your XF in MY SPN!"

Zachariah is a dick. And should not have a Brunson family name like that.

Lilith didn't seem very scary to me. I found her much, MUCH more frightening as a little girl. Not sure what's up with that.

Really did enjoy much of this ep. I'll confine my quibbles to these two things, because I don't feel that strongly about the matter tonight (I'm packing, I have to fold clothes, I have to get on a plane tomorrow, I'm tired): 1) I'm ready for the fan-service to be done (it played well in this ep, have to say, but I'd like to keep my SPN out of my peanut butter after this), and 2) evidently Dean WAS mostly repaired after last week's ep. Which is a partial source of my tiredness. If you build something up that high, to that fever pitch, it IS going to be a bitch to fix later. Here, I do not believe they knew HOW to fix Dean, so they spackled him with Bondo and angel homilies and called it Good.

I do not personally buy that, but I saw enough of the continuing "Dean's not himself" friction from Sam tonight that I can convince myself Dean isn't entirely repaired. Functional is not anything but that. And I like that when Dean prayed, Castiel listened and responded, as much as he could. And I LOVE that Dean said, Give me something here, or I walk.

The show confused me in one regard. First we had Chuck saying that Dean would be the one, can't quote exactly -- and then a few seconds later they were talking about the weight on Sam's shoulders. I mean, does it ultimately boil down to the idea that Sam is about stopping Lilith at all costs, where Dean is about stopping the Apocalypse? Are they the same thing at all?

Fuck, I gotta pack.

monster at the end of this book, ep commentary, supernatural

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