WARNING! Spoilers for next ep.

Nov 15, 2008 09:32

Screw the avoiding-spoilers thing. This season has me too perturbed.

There are three clips posted at supernatural.tv. If you've gotten this far, go watch.

Okay, so clip #1. WTF. I recognize that these are not the Hallmark/cliche sweetness-and-light angels of (inaccurate) commercial portrayal. But Uriel just sounds like a bully, which places him far closer to those of Alistair's ilk than Castiel's. Castiel, who simply looks enormously tired here, emotionless, determined. I find that attitude far less eye-blinking than Uriel's. I guess this means we won't be seeing a lot of substantive difference between angels and demons, for the most part. I don't dislike the shades of gray, but -- huh. I dunno.

Also: Yeah, Dean wading in on...Ruby's behalf? Wait, why didn't Sam do that? He just sorta stands there and lets Dean defend Sam's girlfriend? Not terribly gallant of Sam, there. Maybe it's just Dean's closer to the Uriel-Ruby tussle, but. Huh.

Clip #2. Meh, okay, the psychic chick back, all right, I guess. I'm finding her banter a little whatever, but -- whatever, right? Not much to sink your teeth into, here -- I kinda like the character, but am not seeing in the clip exactly what her purpose is. Maybe she'll give them some intel on why it is the angels want Anna scragged.

Clip #3. Yeah, that freaks me out. How did Dean go from being RESCUED from Hell, to having it be the threat angels are holding over him? Didn't God want Dean OUT of Hell? So wouldn't that mean putting him back in the Pit would -- go against God's plan? Aren't angels all about doing God's will?

I don't grok that AT ALL. WTF?

So, a few questions here, clearly. I'm still nominally on board with the idea that Castiel, Uriel, et al, ARE in fact angels. But I'm very unclear on what the fuck they're doing with Dean. One minute he's this big whoop-de-doo, very important -- then he's got Castiel reminding him he can put him back where he found him. Then Anna says Dean's very important, the angels are all worked up about him -- then we get the angels saying give up the chick or they'll kick Dean back downstairs.

That really doesn't make a whole lot of sense to me. Either Dean's important or he isn't -- right? If he isn't, then Castiel should never have grabbed onto him in the first place. If he IS, then what's with the recurring threats of perdition? (Man, every TIME I say "perdition" I think of Khan. Heeee.) In "Lazarus Rising" Castiel says, "Because God commanded it. Because we have work for you." Okay, so.... If God commanded it, has He changed His mind? Was there an email update Dean (and we) missed?

I guess it boils down to who and what this Anna chick really is. Castiel says she's far from innocent, something. So? Is that what blind psychic woman will discover? (I'm sorry, I can't be bothered to go recall her name.)

I dunno, this -- has potential, but to go either way. If angels turn out to be just as much of a threat as demons, where is the show going? And what's with passive!Sam, letting Dean do the defending? Sam's bigger, for crying out loud.

ETA: according to spoilers on TwoP, Ruby'll sacrifice herself (or at least the meatsuit) saving the guys. Ugh. O-kay. And there IS a past Anna's forgetting, so maybe the angels' threats will make more sense then.

spoilers, supernatural

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