RPS thinky.

Jul 04, 2008 08:39

I've been submerged in more big bang fiction -- this time the superb Nosce te ipsum by rei_c -- and although I've done poorly at commenting so far (time, not lack of intent), ever since this year's bb stories starting appearing I keep thinking about something.

Is it possible -- with regard, especially, to RPS -- that the huge popularity of RPS, not just SPN but other fandoms as well, is at least in part a craving for a particular flavor of original fiction?

I mean, I'm not suggesting I'm the first person to ponder that, but I don't read much meta on the subject, and it's just on my mind. Here lately it's really seemed to me that as popular as SPN fiction is, SPN *RPS* fiction -- actor fiction, esp. the AUs -- are growing to be even more so. And I think that is purely awesome. Which is honestly not something I thought I'd say a few years ago. I thought it was icky. And I still sometimes struggle with *NON*-AU RPS.

But the AUs -- I simply cannot get enough. And I think, speaking just for myself, of course, that a huge part of that craving has to do with hunger for good, solid, fan-centric m/m fiction. Original fiction -- no rules, only a handful of actors who have great range and can perform the roles we set out for them.

I look around for good mainstream/genre m/m fiction, and I dunno about you, but I find a great majority of published fiction not entirely to my taste. There's too often something missing -- a LOT of what I've read is unhappy in various ways, too often there are no happy endings, blah blah whatever. It lacks the particular fannish take I crave.

Now, fandom is producing the exact sort of thing I'm craving. It isn't show canon, it isn't show stuff. It isn't specifically actor slash, in the sense that, say, Jensen Ackles and Jared Padalecki themselves are participating. It's something else entirely. It is essentially entirely original fiction, cast with faces I can picture instantly in my mind, and otherwise entirely fresh and new.

It's ORIGINAL FICTION, plain and simple. We can call it fanfic, but it isn't! It's the best ideas, principles of fanfic, but taken into a wholly different realm.

I dunno, like I said, I ain't reinventing the wheel here, not suggesting it. Only saying that this, to me, explains this gaping MAW of hunger I feel for more new RPS AU fiction. It satisfies BOTH cravings in me: for great fan fiction AND great original fiction. I get the best of both worlds -- I get a fannish sensibility, which means I get the happy endings (almost always) I really, truly want, but I also get entirely new worlds, finely crafted, by writers who understand.

Wow. I mean, I wish I could somehow fuel this phenomenon, water it and make it grow even more. I LOVE. IT. These original worlds are spectacular, and I hope, oh how I hope, that writers keep going, doing more, knowing how much they and their stories are appreciated. YES!

fandom, rps, writing, meta

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