In conclusion.

Nov 30, 2007 11:04

Been a lot of discussion hereabouts lately, and I'm glad to see it. We don't all agree, but then who ever thought we would? It's been fascinating and enlightening, all of it ( Read more... )


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janissa11 November 30 2007, 18:38:48 UTC
Sometimes I feel like people are out to convert - to have everybody think the way they do!

There's a fine line here, I think. When I make an argument, I make it as solid an argument as I can. That doesn't mean it always IS solid and air-tight, but only that I've sought to make it so.

Is that an attempt to convert you to my way of thinking? I'm not sure. When I'm making an argument I AM striving to make it as convincing as possible. But it doesn't mean I think I'm completely right or that someone else is wrong. And it definitely doesn't mean I won't tolerate it if after reading my argument you still disagree with me. You know?

In opening my own journal to discussion I've always kept an eye open for what I think IS wank, lines that I do not want to see crossed here. But you know? I haven't seen wank. I've seen heated discussion, strong opinions, and plenty of disagreement here and there. But I DO think we can handle discussion, as fans, if we want to. I agree, sometimes we don't -- we WANT to wank sometimes, and see above for my theories as to largely why. But it isn't always that way.



pheebs1 November 30 2007, 18:41:31 UTC
I agree, sometimes we don't -- we WANT to wank sometimes, and see above for my theories as to largely why. But it isn't always that way.

Indeed. My frustration is that I feel the wankery/arguing for the sake of arguing often creates such bad feeling that people then don't have the time or energy for proper discussion. when it pops along. If that makes sense.

Hugs to you! This has been interesting!


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