I have a funny feeling.

May 16, 2007 22:17

Something just kinda occurred to me tonight about the finale, which I don't think is all that unique, but I'm totally, TOTALLY unspoiled for tomorrow's ep, and it's kinda freaking me out.

Is Dean the real demon spawn?

I don't know why I keep thinking about this tonight, except it just would twist EVERYTHING up so much. It can't be the case. No way -- I mean, Sam HAS psychic powers, and Dean doesn't.

Except Dean had the visions. Only that was ANDY. Right? So it doesn't count.

I'm slightly kerfluffled -- I don't know how I'd feel about this if it were to be the case. Except I don't KNOW. And I don't WANT TO KNOW YET. I will just...watch the ep. And see.

May have to take a sleeping pill tonight. ::fidgets::

Making this no-comments, so I can avoid the risk of ANY inkling whether or not I'm right. I just had to blab. It sounds like, Duh, you know? Can't be, or conversely, could see it coming miles away, just depends on how you spin it.

Can't be. I need to leave off the crack.


speculation, supernatural, finale

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