Now some further thoughts.

Sep 28, 2006 22:29

These are theories, many of them, some based on spoilerettes for upcoming eps, so I'll both lj-cut AND say that if you don't want inklings of what is yet in store for us -- though I could be wrong on all counts -- avoid, please.

Three main things, with a few extras here and there.

1. John is dead, but he isn't. In first season, Dean threatens to walk through Hell, and I believe that's exactly what they're setting up there. I think -- based on ep. 5 spoilers -- that that's where John is, and that there will be something about that in a literal sense sometime this season. Possibly the finale THIS season -- who knows?

Which kinda leads me to....

2. The Reaper thing ain't a rehash of "Faith." It's setting up an eventual storyline. Tessa tells Dean he's already living on borrowed time. That can only be even more true now. Dean's failure to die when his time was up -- twice -- will come back to haunt him, and therefore us, possibly before the season is up.

And lastly, but biggest question pour moi:

3. What's the secret John told Dean? The only real candidate is the devastating idea that there is some truth about Sam that John knew, and passed along to Dean. This truth may be so important that it, too, was part of John's determination to save Dean by any means possible. Because John and Sam can't work together -- they have never succeeded at it, and John, at the end, knows they never will. He will never have Sam's heart to the degree Dean does.

Which makes Dean the only person who can save Sam. And I think that's -- as much as I'd like it to be about Dean himself in some...outside sort of way -- I think that is the long and short of it. There is something to Sam's deep-seated truth that will, in some way, affect him such that he will need DEAN there. Perhaps a reminder of his humanity -- perhaps simply because he loves Dean more than anyone on the planet -- any number and combination of reasons. But whatever that secret is, Dean was left with it, as a parting gift of sorts.

What's Sam's truth? Nothing good. Beyond that I have no inkling, just theories a'plenty. The demon said that Sam was no threat to him. It is not sheer power, I don't think, that was the secret John gave to Dean. I think it's the truth, somehow, of who Sam is, what he is, and others like him. Which...I suppose won't work out to be human. Maybe demonic? No idea. But it will shake everything Sam believes in, about himself and the world, and I believe THAT is why John let Dean know about it. Because Sam will need Dean that much.

Thinking about point 2, above, it adds another layer to John's sacrifice. A really interesting layer.

So those are some thoughts. For whatever they're worth. We'll see.

theories, premiere, spoilers, supernatural, blather

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