Aw, why the hell not?

Jul 11, 2006 23:44

I got more piccies, and decided I needed a second gallery -- this one for the various poses and expressions we like best in our Nicky. Hardly even started yet, and I KNOW there are tons more out there. I don't mean this to be, like, a serious *ahem* repository or anything, but the way I see it -- the more Nicky, the better. So I'll see what else I can find. Got something you feel belongs there? Bring it on! You can find the baby Hunk-Repository here.

Now I need to go find that ONE squatting photo. You know the one I mean. How many stories inspired by that? Lots more than one, I know that much. *grins at elmyraemilie* *wipes chin* Here's mine, from way back. Guh.

gallery, hunky, picspam, nicky

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