Nov 08, 2006 22:37

We have no idea how this has happened, but it has. On Saturday (11/11) Tal and I will celebrate or 5th year anniversary. On that day 5 years ago he returned from a 5 month trip to Europe and came to my parent’s house with my two good friends, Kate and Jamie. We played with balloons and ate pie on the kitchen floor. We laughed so hard Kate almost passed out, and I had to use a leg of our table to keep from floating away. All this 5 months after we swore we would not get attached. By the way, it was Tal who called me about 3 months into his trip to tell me he was in love with me. I guess a stay in Greece will probably do that to any young man. Now we have lived together for more than half of our time together and it looks like neither one of us is getting rid of the other any time soon.

So this Saturday we want to have even more fun than we did that night. We invite all of you (that’s anyone who knows and loves us) to come to our apartment at 10:00 on Saturday for dancing, drinking, eating, laughing, and who on earth knows what all else. If you can’t make it, we accept phone calls and letters. Actually, we demand them. We owe a lot of the success we’ve had together to our incredible friends. So we want you here for this. In any way we can have you.

Come ready to laugh and poke fun at us.

Get in touch with one of us if you need directions.
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