Blink-182 was awesome last night, despite it raining the entire time. I need to wash my jacket and purse and such tonight...they're soaked and gross.
Today, my throat hurts from singing too loudly, I'm sore from standing and dancing for many hours, and I'm really tired from not getting enough sleep. I'm not sure why I thought coming into work today would be a good idea, but we'll see how things go. And I won't be surprised if I get sick from being in the rain all night and standing around in wet clothes for so long.
I have my chiropractor appointment tonight, and even though it would be awesome right now since I'm sore, I might postpone it...we'll see if I feel like driving down to Fremont tonight.
So yeah. I took a bunch of pictures and videos last night, which I will post to Facebook tonight if I have time. I'll post a few here too probably. All I can say is, they're every bit as fun to see live as I remember. I can't believe it's been 7 years since I saw them last (to put it in perspective, Mark and I hadn't even been dating for a year yet when we saw them last). Hopefully it won't be that long until the next time.
Hmm, and I just remembered that I thought I read somewhere that they played a new single during this tour, but they didn't last night. I'll have to look that up.
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