Piper Akina
7lbs, 6oz
19.5 inches
Wednesday, my due date, I went into the midwives thinking that possibly my water had broken. Some serious increase in leakiness that day. Turns out that my water had definately not broken - I wasn't even dialated and barely thinned out. Seems my impending labor was digressing instead of progressing. I was not a happy person that night.
Thursday morning, I get up, talk to my husband, reassure him that the baby is so not coming for a few more days. Really, I was feeling great, better than I had in weeks. Around 1130 that morning, I had this horrible sharp stabbing pain that lasted for what seemed like hours. It was only five minutes, but it sucked. Pain came back about an hour later or so. It was shorter that time, only about two minutes of side splitting agony. Low and behold. Pains keep coming. After I realized that they came every 15-45 mintues, I thought, hey, I may be having contractions. Sweet!
At 230, I went into my midwives office to follow up from the previous day (i had high blood pressure at the checkup), the contractions were every 15 minutes. My midwives laughed, said at least things were moving in the right direction and reminded me to call when the contractions were five minutes apart or my water broke. By the time I made it home at 330, the contractions were ever 10 mintues.
By 4:00, they were every five minutes. As I was posting to
janinechan , I felt this bubble pop. Ignored it. No way my water just broke. Got up about 10 minutes later (three contractions later) and realized I was soaked to my knees. Nice. Call the midwives, tell them my water broke, and that my contractions are 5 minutes apart. It's now 430. We decide they will call back at 6pm and we would decide when I should go into the hospital.
By 5, my water broke again, there is a ton of nasty brown mucousy stuff that freaks me out. Also, my contractions are now 2-3 mintues apart. Holy shit! Everything was moving. My midwive asked me to meet her at the hospital around 6, and in the meantime to eat some dinner. Eat.
At 6:02, I get to the hopsital. Get hooked up to monitors for initial assessments. So far, everything is smooth. I can handle this, no problem. By 8, the contractions are every minute. My water ended up breaking again, right as I was telling the labor nurse that there was still that brownish mucous stuff. She checks. It's meconium. Damned. That meant that I couldn't get up and walk through the contractions and no using the jacuzzi. I was also explaining to her that while I was definatley not having back labor, something was wrong with my back during the contractions. My midwive finally did an internal.
She told me I was between 3-4 cms. I was a little disappointed since the contractions were so frequent. Then, she pauses. Looks at the labor room nurse and told her to get the sonogram. Why? Well, she was either touching the baby's face or but, but not the top of her head. OH yeah. Turns out that in the past 32 hours, the baby did a somersault and I earned myself a c-section. Now it's 9 pm.
It became an emergency c-section when the baby decided she wanted out then. Her heart rate started dropping into the 80's and 90's. Basically, between 915 and 930, I got to sign a bunch of releases, met surgeons and happy-drug doctors. By 935, I was in the OR. It took four tries to get the spinal in. Which really sucked since the contractions were so regular. It is damned hard to keep your back relaxed and in the ball when you are in the middle of a contraction.
9:57, the surgeon makes her first cut, and Piper was out by 10:04 pm. Totally cliche, but she was perfect. My aunt and the midwive were all laughing because Piper came out with her own ideas of what was going to happen to her and when. She wouldn't let them wipe her down or wrap her very well. She kept hitting or kicking the nurses. When they brough her over for my aunt to hold while they stitched me up, Piper was already making eye contact, tracking whatever she was looking at and sucking on her hands. My little girl has on oral fixation.
Other than the surprise section, everything was wonderful (well, the spinal could have gone better - but it worked). The only negative part was when the nursery nurses refused to allow the recovery room nurses to bring Piper to me so I could nurse. It took me threatening to call the cops to have her brought to me. I was not able to see, hold or touch my daugher until 2 am. . . almost six hours after she was delivered.
The nurses and doctors at the hospital were great, at least the day and evening shift. The night shift nurses sucked, and were mean and nasty and I will be writing posts about them later. Piper ended up dropping down to 6lbs. 10oz by Sunday night, and had only peed once. She wasn't nursing very well in the hospital. I was terrified I wouldn't be able to bring her home. However, my pediatrician was cool, pointed out that the nurses are retarded and I know my baby best, and that she would thrive as soon as I got her home and into a comfortable environment.
Yesterday she nursed almost non-stop. We had a great 45 minute nursing session and a bunch of 10-15 minute ones (per boob). She is hysterical and "massages" the outside of whichever boob she in on. She even sleeps for 4 hour hunks already at night. And had peed through her diaper before we had even made it home from the hospital. She makes this parent thing seem easy!