Flood in Gera

Jun 05, 2013 19:00

So, the last 3 Days my Hometown fought with the flood that goes through East Europe :(
Gladly I was safe since I live around 3km out of the city but some of my friends and my sister had some though days.
Usually our river "Weisse Elster" is only 1,20m deep but since it rained alot for days some resevoir dams overflowed and all went into the river and so the flood started (the highest measure was by 5,20m .. it was more for sure but they couldn´t measure more since it overflowed) . It wasn´t only Gera but alot of other citys and villages too in a circuit of 150km that get affected by the flood. The last time something bad like this happend in Gera in 1954. This post is only for "our" River but there are alot other Rivers affected too and some citys are fighting right know with the flood or will fight with it in some days since the flood "wanders". In Germany most affected are Thuringia, Saxonia, Saxony-Anhalt, Bavaria (some sure heard of Passau in the international news) and some citys in Baden Wuerttemberg.

for Gera some pics:

our Stadium           usually

and the last days :(

some people made Videos that showed how it looked like in the city .. the best (for me) are these 2 (since they show nearly all):

image Click to view

image Click to view

since the flood is over in gera now it´s time to clean up the mess the water brought. I hope all this dilemma will find an end soon and no more people will be affected by it. But I know this will take some time .. right now I hope that my Friends in Dresden are safe because the River "Elbe" is also overlowing T__T :( ..
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