Return of the accident prone me

Aug 14, 2006 21:20

Well, the weekend started off so well, Saturday was very lazy, got all the weeks washing and ironing done and was feeling very smug. We went and bought Richard a new (well, new to us) car and had take out for dinner.

Sunday started very well. Wnet to Pets At Home to do a bit of research (considering getting a Labrador pup in the new year) and went to Sainsburys to do lunch shop.

It's at this point things went downhill.

I parked and went to walk away from the car. I couldn't move and eventually oinned this down to the fact that I had shut my index and middle fingers of my left hand in the car door. Feeling no pain at this point I opened the door. Thought crap, and headed into Sainsburys. This is when the pain hit.

Hyperventilating my way round Sainsburys, I made the girl at the checkout pack my bags, got back to the car and drove home, at which point I was in severe pain and crying floods of tears.

I abandoned the car across the drive and got Richard, who took me shaking and shivering to the kitchen sink and made me run my hand under cold water.

He then took me to the ER, where I was x-rayed and have a hairline fracture in my middle left finger, slight nerve damage to my index finger, which means the tio of that finger is numb, and an excellent cut on both sides of the middle finger.

Went into work, regailed my colleagues with the tale, and actually made one of them gag when I told the part about the walking away from the car and not going anywhere.

All I can say is that it bloody well hurt when I bathed the wounds with TCP tonight!!

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