Can I be a Kewl Kid too?

Jan 20, 2008 12:07

I succumb! Just back form groceries, and just before the grand hacking and slashing of meat and veggies - Stew tonight!

And because I love y'all

1. What is your SCA Name? Janina Krakowska (sometimes with a z Cambion added), also know in the past as Thorbjorg Gunnarsdottir.

2. What time and where do you portray? Gack! I have a hard time staying fixed in time and place, but tending towards 10th cent. northern European. Not Viking as that is a job description,not an ethnic identity.

3. In plain English describe your device. A black background with silver squares all around the outside, a big 'J' rune in the middle and small stars sprinkled around it.

4. How long have you been in the SCA? Hard to say exactly when I made the transition - in Markland since 1971, but migrated into the SCA by 1976 as well.

5. Do you have any special titles you have earned? Lady, Companion of the Pearl, Landed Baroness

6. What kingdom and local group do you belong to? Atlantia, Barony of Storvik

7. Do you have preferred colors for your SCA Persona? I like red a lot, but blue, black and white are right up there.

8. What is your war that you look forward to going to every year? Pensic.

9. Do you hold any offices? Baroness of Storvik currently, formerly MoAS

10. Favorite memory from an event? Our medieval wedding comes right to mind, but that was in Markland. In the SCA - those times when ceremony felt 'real', and there have been a number of those. And the old Great Court Processions that used to happen at Pensic. And singing - lots of singing and music.

11. Are you a fighter? At the very dawn of time an archer, but physical limitations have led me to a primarily support role.

12. Are you crafty (making things)? My fingers itch to make stuff!

13. Do you teach classes at events? Yes, mostly fiber related - I've taught embroidery and nalbinding and illusion food.

14. Do you play instruments at events? No, you don't want me to either.

15. Do you dance at events? Not usually, occasional join in the melee style dances (Maltese brawl)

16. Do you feel that there is enough flirting and chivalrous behavior in the SCA? If this means do we express kindness, affection and help for one another enough at events, then we can always use more.

17. Are you a "Black Hat" or a "White Hat"? I wish the originator of this meme would speak up and explain this - no one seems to understand what is being asked.

18. What is one of the reasons you've remained in the SCA? Friends, self made family and the best excuse to exercise the creative part of me.

19. What peerage(s) do you aspire to? I aspire to be the best person I can be, and to be helpful to others. that keeps me pretty busy.

20. Who was Crown when you joined the SCA? As an original Marklander, I attended some SCA events long before joining. I think my first SCA event was in Myrkwuud, at the Baronial championship event where His Grace Caridoc received the war arrow that he sent and started Pensic. Joined during Laeghaire and Ysabeau's reign.

21. If you are a Peer, who was the Crown that elevated you? N/A

22. Have you lived in more than 1 kingdom and which ones? East and Atlantia, all while not moving!

23. Have you helped found a group? Yes, the Shire of Seagate and the Barony of Storvik.

24. Have you had any house affiliations? Clan Cambion as a Kin Founder.

1. What do you like best about the SCA? The family of it. Followed closely by the 'not this world' feeling - the outside world doesn't impact me so much while I'm there.

2. Name the first five scadians that come to mind. First five famous medieval persons?
Fevronia Murometsa
Igot Bear
Caridoc of the Bow (see above meme for the trigger)

Henry V
William the Conqueror
Eleanor of Acquitaine

3. Who do you miss the most that no longer plays SCA?
Countess Alyson of Islay - but then, she's my Laurel

4. What direction do you see your home kingdom going in the next 5 years? 10? Moving towards greater levels of authenticity. I have trouble seeing trends, but I have hopes for a greater lightness of spirit.

5. Tell one funny SCA story that has happened to you. I have the most amazing ability to mis-speak. Recently, in a single court I managed to look at Alex the Pell and call him Axel and then while trying to honor a long time member of our barony and to recognize all his efforts, instead of referring to him as a foundation of the barony, I referred to him being a bedrock of the barony, causing the immediate rendition of a cartoon these. Fortunately, this court went from funny to touching as Baron Igor asked permission to call his Lady wife from the kitchen and announced that it was the 30th anniversary of her Laureling and presented her with a memory book for the occasion. She is the 5th Laurel on the Atlantian Order of Precedence.

sca, meme

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