Survived Yule, now on to 12th Night

Jan 07, 2008 14:09

Yule revel appeared to be quite the success. At least that is whet various people told me. But then, would they tell me if it was a flop? Inquiring minds may want to know. I don't know the numbers, but the room seemed pretty full, with no empty tables to be seen. I had woken up that morning with a migraine, and while the meds took care of it, it left me pretty tired for the rest of the day. So I neglected to inquire as to the attendance before we left.

The ad hoc choir sounded very nice - the bass section was particularly rich. I'm sorry that everyone couldn't perform everything that they had practiced, but I was thrilled that there was so much activity. The side board was seriously groaning, and our intrepid orlacarey and Tirzah pulled off another in the long series of way spiffy meals. I think I should book a massage therapist for them the next time they go forth and commit food.

The new gown I'm working on made its inaugural appearance, even if the sleeves aren't done yet. I wanted to test drive it before 12th Night to see what adjustments are needed. There are a few, and I hope to get the sleeves done - I'm embroidering one of them in an arabesque type pattern that I modified from another source. This is my first use of the prick and pounce method of pattern transfer. I found some very fine pounce powder, and was able to make the transfer. There will be a learning curve as I work out the space and size of holes that work best. Of course, it would help if I could draw. I'm finding a lot of problems in the design due to this lack. Well, I won't be entering it in any competition, so I can use it to learn and be a bit of bling as well.

I need to work on Gosling#1's gown as well. Either the person she lent it to really trashed it while washing it, or else the cotton/silk fabric has a problem itself. I'm afraid that the silk is shattering, which renders the rest of the bolt good for probably only handkerchiefs. Also, I need to get Gosling#2's collar finished for his early Russian outfit. We are working on stretching the boots he has, and it should be very nice. Poor Rorik is going to have to make do with his houpeland yet again. The G63 will have to wait a bit longer. Well, back to the grind.

sca, events, yule, embroidery, 12th night, garb

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