(no subject)

Aug 05, 2013 12:53

It was the could have been me life.

I am standing in the bra department of JC Penney’s when the associate, a senior citizen and a woman in her 50’s dressed like a senior citizen come out of a dressing room. The associate is apologetic - and hands the 50 something year old a tissue. There are tears that need to be caught.
Senior citizen woman says to associate “it is not your fault she is so big”.
I ask associate a question - and that takes us to the check out desk. Meany senior citizen and 50 something lady follow us. My question about buy one get one free boob -in-slingers needs management to come down. I turn to the 50something and said - “If they don’t have your size here - you should really try Dillards - They’ll have your size. It will be a little more expensive but it will be the fit of your life.”
The 50 something year old nods, and Meany senior citizen says to me “I am buying her the bra for her birthday and I’m not going to pay a lot…and she is really big. Do they have BiiiiG bras at Dillards?”
The word ‘Big” was drawn out and I knee jerked - because I didn’t have to be nice - and I already saw her once try to humiliate her daughter.
FYI daughter wasn’t big - as in obese - daughter was probably 6 feet tall and maybe a size 18 nothing out of the ordinary.
“Yes - they do… and It looks to me like you aren’t getting her a bra for her birthday since they don’t have it here.”
She replied “I already bought her other stuff - thank you very much -“
To which 50 something says “I don’t need that stuff - I need a good bra…”
Meany Senior citizen Mom cuts in “I am not returning anything”.
I step back in (my question answered rapidly by the associate who wanted me to stop stirring the pot) to the Meany Senior citizen “you’re welcome very much. “And then turning to the 50 something
“You can return the stuff you don’t need from crabby pants here and buy yourself a good bra. I hope you have a better, happier birthday than you are having right now because I think you’re a sweet person who deserves it”.
I realize that a hen pecked woman in her 50’s - if she hasn’t stood up for herself by now - she probably never will…and maybe there is a back story that would excuse this behavior. I don’t know.
It made me love my mother more - for sheltering me when I was ‘the big girl’ and showing me that I was beautiful no matter what. She gave me a sense of worth and confidence to face the world.
And for fuck’s sake why is the world so mean sometimes?

I wanted to take the 50 year old something and take her shopping. I wanted her to be happy and to feel good about herself. I realized that ultimately was making her life more miserable by pointing the fact out their her mother was a bitch. However - had I a millionare's money - I would so have taken that lady for a makeover.
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