Fuck me and then some

Jun 10, 2013 20:07

I put up this little non specific note to the people that were burned in the falling of the House of Blue. It was basically that you can learn to trust again.

I should have kept my stupid fingers from typing it at all. First I get a message encouraging me to be friends with some of the ladies that were newly in the HOB.
I feel for one... Squeaker - If she didn't know - and now she has to stay there because of her health issues - I feel bad. As far as I have seen - she also didn't bad mouth SMART and make any grand statement - like 'I will forever be at his feet' as did ML. Frankly - short of ML making a grand statement like 'I fucked up and his feet are smelly - so sorry people of SMART".... I don't care if she comes back.

The other two names that the person asked me to write and encourage them to stick around - I don't know at all. I think reaching out to them might be creepy.

Then my post - one of the people that wrote to my note - had that " I don't trust anyone. I've been hurt too many times"
I almost replied - you're one of the people that I keep my distance from...while you don't let anyone "in" you certainly love to entertain in your home with strangers.

I don't need to start an argument on my own fucking note.

anyway - meeting some kink friends for dinner - and the only rule is we can't talk about RSO's.
I actually want to pick one of my friend's brain about the Indians.
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