Jun 06, 2007 14:47
Things cannot change for awhile. I will not be having it. No one can graduate or get engaged or tell me they are moving or taking a leave of absense. Just no. I won't be able to take it. So far, I'm going ok. I think I'm being relatively grown up and realizing that all thise stuff is what has to be done and I can't be selfish about it. But seriously, no more for awhile.
I'm waiting for it all to hit me at once and to start bawling at some credit union commercial. I have not cried ONCE in the past week amidst everything going on. Not even during Gilmore Girls, which I really thought would be my catalyst. Or maybe I'm not going to cry, maybe I really can handle things.
I had a really confusing conversation the other day, and I think it's time to put my "say what you mean" resolution into action.
Friday's party is already out of control. I'm pretty excited, I think it's going to be a blast. If half the people who said they are coming out actually come out, it'll be pretty dang big. It's going to be an interesting mix, but I think it'll be awesome.
PS My brother called me on my way to his softball game and told me he forgot to bring the clothes I left at our parents' house. I screamed and told him he was a dick who doesn't give a shit about anyone but himself and I wasn't showing upt to his game after all and then cried all the way to my parents' house. So there's the meltdown we all knew was coming. Nice to have it out of the way.