And this is where Janie fell ded.
Okay, let's try to be coherent, innit?
Team Jack + Freighters:
1) OH JACK you should give Sayid leadership more often. It makes you look so relaxed and hot and everything and I totally love you. *draws hearts*
2) Was Kate flirting or what? And she'd def. jealous of Juliet. And I like it. Though she really was
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Yet rather than revert to mean selfish Sawyer, he's trying to be the nice guy which just breaks my heart, because you're right, nothing good of it came come to on the island.
That's it exactly. He may seem OOC but I'm really loving the fact that rather than going backwards and reverting to his old self he's trying to be a good person. And I sincerely hope he gets some kind of reward, also later, but at least that he gets it.
Yeah, I thought so. I mean, in the beginning when they were looking at the picture they saw that it was Desmond and I'm pretty sure Sayid said 'maybe Des knows something about it' and then they decided to get him. IDK why it made such an effect but I loved that he called him like that.
And sure the plot was awesome! And yes, Sayid, please, come here. You'll find the best espresso you can possibly wish for. Hell, I make an awesome espresso, I can offer you as much as you want!
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