wagner + usual fic procrastination

Jan 20, 2008 00:13

Note to self: do NOT go to see any Wagner opera in the next thirty five years or so. Six hours spent going through the Parsifal wishing for it to end the fuck already since the second act is over are too much. I think I've got the confirm that Wagner is not my cup of tea. And you can't even try to flash those things with other characters because it ( Read more... )

opera, wtf

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Comments 9

lasamy January 19 2008, 23:40:08 UTC
ma ciao andy!


cmq vo in vasca...se nn mi addormento nell'acqua LOL (ah sto leggendo "1408"..iniziato ieri ghghghg) c si becca dopo o altrim domani.

cosa volevo dir...aaaah sì..
Paddywack a sta convention....CHESTRAFIGO cristo


boh gira, commenta, fai..le fangirl iniziano a scrivere fiumi d report..c sarà da ridere



janie_tangerine January 19 2008, 23:41:45 UTC
Ok vedo se resisto altrimenti a domani XD

Sì, sono folle. Non lo faccio più, giuro. D'ora in poi o italiani o Mozart. Stop. Verdi in confronto è un cioccolatino al latte °___°

veeeeeeeeeediaaaamo XD


bitterbird January 20 2008, 00:56:07 UTC
that icons so perfect!!
aww hon *hugs*
agh I hate that feeling *offers cookies*


janie_tangerine January 20 2008, 09:27:59 UTC
*accept cookies* I so hate that thing. Ok, I ended in the twisted situation myself and I kinda dug my own grave but it's driving me mad. And that icon summarizes exactly how I felt yesterday.. I think at one point during the afternoon I was seeing visions or something XD


bachlava January 20 2008, 01:54:06 UTC
I think, a couple of years ago, that I was finally able to come to terms with the fact that I detest Wagner. You've just got to accept it and let the attendant issues go. You're not a philistine; he was just overrated between about 1930 and 1985.


janie_tangerine January 20 2008, 09:26:36 UTC
Before yesterday it was a matter of I'll have to listen to something by that guy once, but really, no. The guy was overrated and didn't have a sense of limit whatsoever, and didn't understand that the less complicated you are the better it is. From now on I guess he'll exist to me as a part of the Apocalypse Now soundtrack and nothing more..


greeniefru January 20 2008, 04:36:54 UTC
I went to see Tristan & Isolde last year... Torture - there's no other word for it. It really put me off going to see another opera. Maybe I should give 'em one more chance?


janie_tangerine January 20 2008, 09:23:00 UTC
I can completely understand you, HE would put off anyone seeing operas. But you really should give all the others a chance, Wagner doesn't count for what normal opera is, because his isn't normal. If you go to see anything by Mozart or Rossini (possibly something like the Don Giovanni or Il Barbiere di Siviglia) you'd completely change idea ;) I'm sure NOT ever going to Wagner again, that's for sure.


sophia_lde January 20 2008, 10:47:26 UTC
Wagner is only for masochists.


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