I'm back!

Dec 28, 2007 17:16

And finally I'm here! Ok, I think I've checked all the FL and it took me, like, one hour or something and so now I can make some brief recap.

- General: meh. I love my family, really, but every time I go there I start to feel depressed. Someone could please tell my gran to learn to enjoy life or something?
- Worse: uhm, please, do NOT teach children Christmas songs. Especially when they can't carry a tune. See my five-year-old cousin, which is adorable but should really be forbidden to sing religious/christmas stuff.
- Best Fangirl moment: catching a rerun of Judging Amy on the satellite (which I sadly don't have) and finding out Adrian Pasdar was in, thus being able to fangirl properly. Because I had already seen that, but before I started watching Heroes and it didn't click. And you know, that character was a lawyer who had the S1 Petrelli suits/ties and the S2 crazy hair. Another reason to re-evaluate that show.
- Funniest thing: turning upside down a record shop searching for the Kansas Greatest Hits and finding out that a friend of my uncle, who is a crazy Springsteen fanatic, owned it.
- Presents side: I love my other uncle. He got me the Clint Eastwood Iwo Jima movies. Oh, I love him.
- Saddest moment: When I was desperate enough to slash the Kevin Costner movie about Robin Hood which was on the tv. That's why I never watch TV. Ehm.
- Reading side (maybe sad thing too): can one spend the Christmas eve night in a room with at least eight people and being able to go and read Stephen King's The Mist? Well, here I am. And hey, genetically-atomic-modified-by-the-army fog in which you find dinosaurs and stuff? Uncle Steve, you really had some crazy ideas.
- Lost references: when I watched a quiz on the TV which is one of the few decent programs we have here, where some high school classes have to answer books/literature questions and win books. Every time they have a different book and the first day I arrive, they're playing with Through the Looking Glass. Hem.
- Most Embarassing moment: waiting for my mother at the station (she had to go to a place near for work and I went to get her there), except that the train was late and out of total boredom I bought Men's Health only because it had a wet!Foxy on the cover. The article inside was 100% stupidity, but, but. There were very lovely pictures and I found out that he's a nudist. Uhm. Interesting.

LJ side:

- I think before leaving I made at least three new friends, so welcome all of you!
elliotsmelliot  has written me the most wonderful fic ever. With Boone, Sawyer, Shannon and Watership Down. *worships* It's here and I love it to pieces.
- I'll try to comment on your older stuff but 90% I missed something.
- Hope everyone had a great Christmas!

*goes to check what she missed*

lost, adrian pasdar, christmas stuff

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