The proof that Lost has eaten my brain.

Dec 21, 2007 13:03

Now, it isn't normal that I have my Itunes open on random shuffle and whenever the Beatles' Obla-di Obla-da starts at, likewise, random, I hear Penny instead of Molly, have trips of our Desmond being the song's Desmond and going to buy her a golden ring at the Flashes jewel store taking the trolley, wearing a blue shirt and whatnot. Worse thing is picturing Penny in some Driveshaft style band singing at the club while Desmond has a barrow in the market place. With them having a couple of kids and a yard home in London.

Lennon and McCartney hate me. Seriously. That's not sane. EDIT: many thanks to falafel_fiction who pointed this to me. Seems I'm not alone in this case!

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lost, beatles, i really do love desmond

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