Heroes 2x09

Nov 21, 2007 00:26

Ok, I'm officially an HRG fangirl.

1. First of all. WHERE IS NATHAN? WE WANTS NATHAN, alright? Plzkthnx.

2. Nathan is my now official #1 character.

3. 'Get over your daddy issues and leave us be' -> Angela, you're made of TOTAL AWESOME. At least some Petrelli. Though i'd have preferred your #1 son, yeahthx.

4. Whole Claire/Bob/company storyline? BORE. Sorry but I'm caring zilch about it. Though it had some good points, on which I'll discuss further.

5. Bob? -> BORE. I mean he's just.... like... viscid like he should but.. ://

6. Elle?

SOMEBODY PLEASE KILL HER because she so, really, really gets on my nerves. And she TOUCHED Mohinder. Elle CAN'T touch mohinder. And if someone starts writing Mohinder/Elle and calls the pairing MELLE I'll kill someone.

7. HRG? I love him. He's got sense. The only one who still has I guess. He's cool. He's just wonderful. And he kinda tortured Elle. I mean WOW. I love him. And that cliffhanger was... when's Monday?

8. Ok, I actually don't mind West that much now. At least he worked with HRG and he was cool.

9. Matt has a darkside? *interesting*

10. Mohinder........... THE FUCK are you doing? Because I love you and I'd do all sort of things to you but you CAN'T. K? For now Nathan > all. Because srsly, he's the only one being slightly sane. Apart from HRG.

11. Loved Hiro here. It was a nice part for him. Ando too. And Kensei being the killer, I guess we knew that.

12. Kensei is so evil and twisted. I so love him for that. He looks so badass!promising ** ok, bad!Heroes guys store, I'll take Kensei and leave Sylar. Kthnxplz.

13. I'm starting to miss Monica. Yuhu? Only new character except for Kensei/Adam that me really likes? Show up?

14. Like before, we wants Nathan. And as they're together, we wants also Kensei and Peter. And Mohinder having some brains back. Because right, he doesn't have much, but he has some. When he shows it. And we also wants the emo!bangs. I'd say I want also Isaac and the radioactive Ted guy but I'll let that pass.

15. At least no King references.

16. Anyway, you make a Bennet 100% episode, I'd like to see Mr Muggles. I gave up on Zach, but at least...

17. Anyway, to close this, I was kinda :// because I liked last one MUCH more. And I know I sound repetitive BUT, next time wewantsmoreNathanplz and someone get rid of Elle.

Because she really bugs me. Ew.


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