
Nov 13, 2012 15:53

So it's been ages since I did one, and I'm in class and I need a distraction. Therefore, stolen from gottalovev, have a meme!

Name a fandom and I'll tell you which character I most likely ( Read more... )


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janie_tangerine November 13 2012, 15:13:28 UTC
:DDDDD sure thing!


Want as my mentor: BOBBY.
Bake cupcakes for: Castiel. Or Jimmy. Or both.
Lend my books to: Dean! We have the same taste, more or less. ;)
Put thumbtacks on the chair thereof: Meg.
Have a crush on: ASH.
Pack up and leave if they moved next door: Zachariah or Raphael.
Vote for President: Bobby, duh.
Pick as my partner in a buddy movie: Pamela AND Balthazar. We'd have some glorious times. ;)
Marry: Jimmy. Or Ash.
Want as my boss: Ellen.
Sue: everyone, since everyone in that show constantly gives me grief or makes me cry at any given time.
Want as my best friend: DEAN. We'd do Clint marathons and listen to Led Zeppelin and say that everyone who doesn't has horrible music taste.


Want as my mentor: Roland.
Bake cupcakes for: EDDIE. And Alain.
Lend my books to: Jake.
Put thumbtacks on the chair thereof: Susan's aunt. A LOT OF THUMBTACKS.
Have a crush on: .... Eddie. Most obvious answer ever.
Pack up and leave if they moved next door: uhm, a dude in the seventh book but I can't remember if you're there yet. So, MIA. I'd have RF over her every second.
Vote for President: Detta Walker. YES, I MEAN IT.
Pick as my partner in a buddy movie: ... Eddie. Yes, my answers are very varied.
Marry: EDDIE. As stated.
Want as my boss: Cuthbert. He'd be the best boss ever.
Sue: Stephen King. ;)
Want as my best friend: okay, since I don't want to give the same answer all over, Alain. xD


cassiopeia7 November 13 2012, 15:35:15 UTC
Aww, poor Jimmy. There's one man who deserves ALL the cupcakes.

Pack up and leave if they moved next door: Zachariah or Raphael.

I thought you might say Lucifer, but yeah, compared to those two psychopaths, Luci is Neighbor of the Year. XD

Pick as my partner in a buddy movie: Pamela AND Balthazar.

O_o We KNOW that Balthazar is up for anything, and Pamela's no shrinking violet herself. Those two in cahoots? It'll be the first NC-17 buddy movie ever! ;)

Sue: Stephen King. ;)


Eddie? Eddie who? *runs away*


janie_tangerine November 13 2012, 15:46:35 UTC
Exactly. Cupcakes for Jimmy, everyone. Tons of cupcakes. TONS OF THEM.

Hahahahah it'd be a totally NC17 rated movie, sure, but we'd go to concerts, and have a shitload of good times and possibly indulge in good things. It'd be a blast. ;)

... I mean, HE MADE HIMSELF A CHARACTER SO I CAN SUE HIM, RIGHT? XDDD and hahahahahaha well if you don't want him, more for me. ;)


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