birthdays and stuff

Jun 10, 2012 01:13

- Very quick post just for two things. First, I have a lot of shit I want to post about (GOT finale, Sopranos, BRUCE SPRINGSTEEN CONCERT and the darned Jus in bello pictures) but case is, my desktop died (not that I hadn't known, it was nine years old and it was just a metter of time) and I can't do huge posts/download too many pics from the netbook because it'll just freeze, so I'll be around more regularly after I replace the old desktop, and then I'm going to do some massive catch up since between that, the concert and finals I haven't managed to be around much.

- BUUT, other point of this entry, happy birthday to gottalovev and blue_fjords! I hope you're having/you had awesome days and that the next year will be amazing for the both of you. May it be filled with great things fandom-wise and since I sadly can't clone the real deal, just assume that I've sent you both a couple of virtual Jaime Lannisters for your own enjoyment. ;) happy birthday again!

And with this I'll go crash as I have a final the day after tomorrow. Hopefully I'll resurface by the end of this week and I'll manage to catch up with everything I'm missing lately.

technology why do you fail me, stuff, computer woes, birthday

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