game of thrones 3x03 what is dead may never die

Apr 16, 2012 12:23

Lol this post is going to be 50% one thing, 45% another and 5% everything else.

1. Now. They DID make me wait. But.



No. You don't have an idea of how hard I squeed. YOU HAVE NO IDEA. Gosh, Loras's face when she took off her elm and owned his very pretty ass was priceless. SHE'S BETTER THAN YOU. ACTUALLY SHE'S BETTER THAN EVERYONE and she's definitely too good for that entire camp except for Cat. No seriously I'd been wanting her first scene since the moment I read it and they nailed it and oh gosh Gwendoline Christie I don't know how she managed to nail it with four lines and all looks but LOOK AT HER FACE AND AT HOW HAPPY SHE WAS WHEN SHE WON AND WHEN SHE GOT HER PLACE IN THE GUARD.

The fact that everyone booed when she took off her helm said everything that was needed to say about how stupid men are in these series.

Also: CAT. AND. BRIENNE. OH GODS I CAN'T. And hahahahahaha THE HEIGHT DIFFERENCE geez, SHE'S SO TALL SHE'S SO PERFECT I CAN'T. And Brienne's face when Renly told her he had no need of her afterrrr ;____; oh Brienne. BRIENNEEEE.

2. About that: that scene with Renly and Loras was priceless. lol Loras, you don't really get it do you. Though hey, SOMEONE READ ASOS PROPERLY! THANK YOU, WRITERS! *cough* you know what I mean. Also: I don't have many feelings about Renly either way but it was nice to see how the wedding night went *couuuughhhh* and oh gosh, Margaery proposing the incestuous threesome was pretty much it. Someone did their homework properly and I'm very pleased, even if my general opinion is still that my flawless lady in armor is too good for every single one of these people.

3. Catelyyynnnnnnnnn I missed youuu. *hugs*

4. I could write odes on how they're showing the various degrees in which people fuck each other all over again (ie Cersei has power over Sansa and treats her horribly, but Sansa has it over Shae and so on), but I'm in class and I have no time for extensive meta. That said ugh SANSA ;__; that dinner scene was so - ;___; also Tommen, you're adorable but you wouldn't know tact if it hit you in the face.

5. Say what you want but Tyrion's political scheming is a joy to see. Especially when it means humiliating Littlefinger. *cough*

6. Okay, I beat around the bush long enough.





I just - the letter. When he burned the letter I cried or something (Bad Decision the First, here you are....), but that entire bit before... it was like, SOMEONE JUST PUT A HAND INSIDE MY CHEST AND WRENCH MY HEART OUT. I highly appreciate that they're trying to beat into us hard enough that he ISN'T a turncloak and that he DID try to get Robb that alliance, but apparently people are still out for his head. Okay, whatever. But gosh when he gave his dad that darned justified speech I CRIED. MY. EYES. OUT. He's darned right by the way - they -did- give him away and at least he's self-aware enough to recognize that he doesn't deserve any of that. Except that clearly it doesn't work, nothing in that man's life ever does *sigh*. Also: Balon bitchslapping him was - UGH. If that stupid idiotic piece of idiot hadn't been on my hatelist already he'd have ended on top straight from nothing. Stupid deluded douche. yes, I'm defensive then you wonder why poor Theon has issues the size of Westeros and the Free Cities put together.

Also I love that they kept that conversation between Theon and Asha (Yara WHO), who's totally still the most awesome. Okay, she could be nicer to him but from her point of view she has all the reasons to, and it's not like it's her fault if her dad is an idiot and figured that if he made it so that they'd end up put against each other things would have gone out so great.

ALSO THE LETTER. THE LETTER. OH IF ONLY HE HAD SENT IT, but by then whatever he did would have ended up badly. Also gosh the baptism, I hurt inside. Theon, team drowned god won't pay off. It so won't. ;_____;

No seriously. THEON. THEY GAVE YOU AWAY AS IF THEY DIDN'T GIVE A SHIT ;___; AND YOU WERE TOTALLY RIGHT ABOUT IT OH I CAN'T ;____; You stupid tragic life ruiner, come here and let me love you. ;___;

7. Every time I see Winterfell I go like :DDD. Bran! Hodor! Luwin! Sigh, I love everyone there. Though lol Rickon is MIA AGAIN I see, even if in ACOK he was fairly around.....

8. THE WALL IS STILL THE BEST. Also: Sam and Gilly are too adorable. Please wait for Jon to find Ygritte and then you can all run away together and live happily ever after. That speech he gave her ;___; SAM YOU'RE JUST TOO UNDERRATED FOR YOUR OWN GOOD everyone should love him. Also poor Jon. Craster didn't like your pretty pretty face and pretty pretty curls :((

9. I can't remember anything else that happened, sorry.

That said:


Everyone is probably tired of me saying flawless, but I can't find a better word.

theon greyjoy is my fictional love, game of thrones - the show, game of thrones s2 review, brienne is my favorite girl ever

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