three fics all written for various christmas exchanges (Lost, SPN/VD plus OPERA FIC!)

Feb 24, 2012 16:28

Okay, dump of the all the exchange fic I've written this year that wasn't the Dean/Cas one. Fandoms are totally and utterly not related.


SPN/Vampire Diaries

Title: make it up as we go along [AO3]
Pairing: Rebekah/Castiel
Rating: NC17
Word count: 5800 ca
Spoilers: up to 3x09 for VD; up to 7x02 for SPN.
Warnings: uhm, a character has permanent scars on his face. There’s some extremely tame biting going on during the sexytimes part of this, but that’s it.
Disclaimer: SPN belongs to Eric Kripke/the CW/etc etc, VD belongs to their respective creators, the title is blatantly stolen from a Talking Heads song, none of this is mine. Sadly for me.
Summary: wherein Rebekah hadn’t thought that asking someone if she could buy him a drink would lead her to make a deal a with former angel who doesn’t understand a pick-up line when he hears one.
A/N: written for this year's round at xover_exchange for the prompts: VD/SPN, Rebekah/Castiel, gen or romantic; lust; let’s make a deal no specific scenario was provided so I just went with the general ones. Endless thanks to ilfirin_estel for betaing this - it would have been a lot less coherent without her input. <3



Title: the curse
Pairing/Characters: Boone/Richard, Jacob
Rating: PG13
Word count: 5600 ca
Warnings: uhm, one of the characters is a ghost. I think that’s it. Set in late S1 but implies having seen the entire series.
Summary: “I know that his touch killed you because he did the same to me, once. But I fear it was for opposite reasons.” or, where Boone might be dead and Richard might be immortal, but the reason is the same and the result isn’t that different after all.
A/N: written for sunsetdawn20 at this year's Lost HoHoHo exchange at lostsquee for the prompts: being touched by Jacob is like the mark of Cain, plus angst, plus rare ship and Boone & Richard from the favorite characters section. Also, there’s some kind of wacky theorizing going on and I took some liberties with the whole Jacob-touched-people-from-flight-815 business. Title stolen from a Josh Ritter song.


Don Giovanni (aka, awesome rare fandom is awesome)

Title: il catalogo è questo [AO3]
Pairings/Characters: Don Giovanni/Leporello
Rating: NC17
Word Count: 5500 ca
Warnings: none that I can think of.
Summary: Leporello keeps two lists.
Disclaimer: while everything is public domain by now I guess, all this is based on the Mozart/Da Ponte opera and I own nothing.
A/N: written for brandy_took for this year's Yuletide (originally posted on AO3 at the link above). Uhm, so, I wrote opera fic and I totally don't regret it even if it felt weird to make them talk in English, and really this is here just for archiving purposes. But considering that this kind of was my first slash ship in history I'll admit that I had a crack writing it.

fanfiction:supernatural, fanfiction:don giovanni, fanfiction:lost, fanfiction:the vampire diaries

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