about this idiotic comments thing that LJ decided to fix when it wasn't broken.

Dec 21, 2011 19:54

So, today I wake up, I go on a community where there was the default page (you know white background, blue stripes next to your userpic) and there was an idiotic new comment style box. Which: lacks subject line, has a method of choosing your userpics that is totally insane (WHERE IS THE DROP DOWN BOX?!), has a link feature that is totally not needed and lacks the spellcheck and preview option.

I try to post a comment. It doesn't work. I read that it doesn't work for custom comment pages yet, so I'm currently using the style?mine options and at least I can comment as usual. But this thing is seriously making me want to strangle whoever is in charge of this stuff at LJ. Because: taking out the preview option means that if you want to check a comment where it has html you can't and if you botch it, good luck to you editing it all over, the subject line being gone means that all communities/comment fic/kink memes are a mess (and if I ever write comment fic here it'll be an ever WORSE mess), also there's apparently crap about how they don't expand properly anymore but I haven't seen that yet. This entire thing fucks with how someone uses the service a LOT - not to mention that for me that new box doesn't work anyway, which means that the moment it's valid also for custom comment pages I won't be able to comment anywhere unless they fix it/whatever is wrong with it. Mostly, I'm just wanting to headdesk at the fact that LJ is AGAIN changing shit without feeling what the userbase has to say and after they make things wrong, apparently their PA answers 'well, WE like the new comment style so shut the hell up and keep it'. Basically, unless you post fic in your journal, you can't do anything else fandom-related because all comms and especially comment fic RELY on subject lines. Or the preview option. And mostly, the freaking drop-down box for choosing userpics - I have 250 of them, I DON'T want to LOOK at all of them before picking one.

I seriously hope that this ends like the Facebook fail thing where after EVERYONE complained they went back on it and made it optional. But if it doesn't... well, I don't see myself moving to Dreamwidth anytime soon - yet, even if it's tempting - (tho I have an account there - janie_tangerine still if anyone wants to add), but for anything like comment fic/prompts/five acts posts etc. etc. I'll just link to an entry done over there. I can't be arsed with not distinguishing what is what when it's about comment fic. This isn't the kind of change you get adjusted to - this just totally fucks up with the way LJ can be used for fandom purposes, and tbh the reason I LIKE LJ over ANY other social network was that the comment system wasn't a clusterfuck as in facebook and/or tumblr (the fsm save me from that - I'll never understand how it works). Like, LJ, kudos on fucking with the ONE thing that wasn't broken. Really.

I'll now go trying to finish Christmas cards and my Yuletide fic. Sigh. Seriously, what is this even.

just no, some stuff is made of fail, lj stop trying to be tumblr, lj stop trying to be facebook, facebook is evil, rant, livejournal why so failing

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