supernatural 7x06 'slash fiction'

Oct 29, 2011 16:04

1. ... okay, WHO is the person in the writing staff who goes crazy for Tarantino? COME OUT TO THE WORLD. Lol I feel so validated. What was this, Pulp Fiction meets Reservoir Dogs? *snort*

2. Seriously, the only thing that would have made it better would have been Bobby cutting off the leviaguy's ear. *cough* and the only thing that lacked was people aiming their guns at each other during the bank robbery.

3. Levia!Dean was hot. Mmmh.

4. LOL LEVIATHANS GET SLOWED DOWN BY DETERGENT. XDDDD this I actually found very amusing. Also: Bobby LIKES JONI MITCHELL. BOBBY YOU'RE MY HERO. :DDDDDDDDDDDDDD the rest wasn't as good though. :(((

5. Levia!Sam's thoughts about the salad = LOL.

6. I liked the county cop. :(((( clearly he lasted a lot...

7. The boss is.. idk he looks like the poor man's Christian Bale. And I want him gone. Thanks.

8. LOL CROWLEY YOU. Please never leave and keep on being awesome.

I won't be eating your muffins though.



10 ... and then it ended in a Scarecrow/Good God Y'All/Cabin Fever/probablysomeotherepisode 2.0 and I wanted to smash my head against a wall because I HAD ACTUALLY LIKED THIS. UNTIL THEN. Geez it felt like a deja vu ALL OVER AGAIN, and it wasn't even done particularly well, and we all know that it isn't going to last because if they split up for good this round then they're as good as dead. The problem is that THOSE OTHER TWO TIMES IT WORKED, this time it just felt thrown there so that if you're nostalgic for old times HEY THERE IT IS. I mean, I do -get- why Sam would be pissed and leave and stuff, but it felt.. flat? Done all over? Idk but the other two times I had my heart in my throat and this one I was like '... you even serious?'.

Also last time Cas was there, now Dean's totally going on some very bad bender before they make up.

I'm just.. I LIKE what goes on and then they hit me with this hammer with DEJA VU/BEEN THERE DONE THAT and whoever is hitting with that has Hulk-like strength and my squee spirals down. Seriously. If you need to do a clean slate and start all over again don't do it re-hashing everything you've done for S1/2/3. Siiiiiggghhhh.

11. That said, Bobby please kiss Jody forever. And make her dinner while listening to Joni Mitchell.

12. I actually did enjoy levia!guy before he was burned by soap. XD Meh mostly I liked everything except the last two minutes. If next ep ends with them talking near the car/a car on the side of the road re-hashing something from S1 I'll weep. Also the idea that those things are using Cas's memories to fuck with them. UGH LET ME CRY. #teamcastielforeverhere

13. Oh, also, the not-so-Harvey-Keitel guy that Bobby sent them to = LOL. Though NO ROCK ALIASES? NOOO. Now they'll have to move on to writers, lolololol. Anyway, I'm just glad he didn't say 'I solve problems' or I'd have ended up laughing myself to death.

14. .. the FBI agents in here really fell low since Henricksen died. Just sayin'. THAT is someone whose face I missed a damn lot in this ep. he'd have been so awesome. The levia!kid looking like the poor man's Edward Norton didn't make up for it.

15. In short: I'd have given it an 8/10 but the ending made it drop to 7-. And please writers never stop being Tarantino fangirls.

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