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janie_tangerine October 15 2011, 13:25:42 UTC
YES. THAT. Ugh by now it's becoming... redundant? Geez, THEY'VE DONE IT FOR YEARS. One would think that also since they hey, GREW UP A BIT, they'd just quit it since it's half of the reason they got fucked all over whenever they did it. Especially when the season started with 'let's not keep things from each other'. It bored me when it wasn't old and it's boring me now, also because until it was John's bombs dropped before he was dead I can see why you'd keep them secret, but this? Blah. Dean should go and cry on Sam's shoulder and admit that he was an idiot. :/


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janie_tangerine October 15 2011, 13:33:34 UTC
Idek I'm feeling like they're going with that part of the fanbase that was like 'WE MISS MOTW EPS/EARLY SEASONS/D&S on their own' etcetera, but going back to basics is different from repeating yourself all over again. That was good in S1/S2 but they're past thirty or near it, it's not even believable that they wouldn't have learned anything from all the crap they went through. I don't even want S2 back - they couldn't re-do it at this point. I hope that it's just a question of a couple episodes. Sigh. I started loving this show when they switched plot device, I want to keep on loving it. :/


e0wyn October 15 2011, 15:14:24 UTC
Ho poco tempo in questo periodo, perciò non posso lasciare un commento più lungo... sappi solo che ho letto il post e sono d'accordo su praticamente tutto ;)


janie_tangerine October 15 2011, 19:16:07 UTC
*high fives* ;) no problem, capisco perfettamente *sprofonda in montagne di appunti e piange*


cassiopeia7 October 15 2011, 18:18:36 UTC

Oviously Dean went with Ally Mc Beal instead which just makes me think that we'd be bffs in RL if Dean was real. He obviously started watching it because of Jon Bon Jovi. *cough*)

Okay, so I DID hear an Ally McBeal reference! \o/ I'm not going crazy, yay! (But wait! Jon Bon Jovi was on Ally McBeal?! Admittedly, I saw only a handful of episodes, but . . . I MISSED THIS?!? NOOOO!)

And I totally agree that Dean needs to let the Amy secret go. The longer he holds on to it, the worse things are going to get. :(

Finally, I so, so, SO agree with everything you said in 10c. Show gets a bit . . . claustrophobic . . . if it's JUST about the boys. We need the secondary characters to open up that unhealthy vacuum the brothers have going. Also? Cas is definitely still alive -- as you say, I'm believing it until something happens to prove me wrong.


janie_tangerine October 15 2011, 19:14:49 UTC

lol totally! It was Dean making it too, which only made me glee. And that said YES! GO RE-WATCH S5 OF ALLY NOW! He was the plumber/babysitter/boyfriend/fixing-everything that repaired like her leaking sink and then babysitted her daughter and stuff. AND HE SANG TOM WAITS SONGS. He was in like eight episodes? Lol he actually was the reason I checked that show out. It was brilliant. ALLY I MISS YOU.

I mean, didn't they see how it went... the last twenty times? One would think that they'd learn not to keep secrets, but.. yeaaaah.

I need more people. Idk, I just start feeling claustrophobic too if it becomes the Sam & Dean and sometimes Bobby show only :/ it worked good in S1, but I have reserves about it working now. Ah well, we shall see. Also CAS IS SO NOT DEAD FFF. I don't care if I'm being delusional, when I have no 100% proof that someone I like is dead I don't buy it. ;)


hopelessfangirl October 15 2011, 20:27:16 UTC
JO! :DDD I was so glad to see her back. And I'm really, REALLY happy that she wasn't really harboring bad feelings.

Me too! Given the premise, I was afraid she was going to come back as more vengeful (like a manifestation of Dean's guilt), but I'm glad it was actually just spirit!Jo with her own perspective on things.

The trial itself would/could have been done better/have been longer though.

Oh good, I'm glad I'm not the only one who felt that way. I really liked the concept but its execution was a bit odd. Like, a little too light-hearted somehow even though the subject matter of the trial wasn't. Idk how to explain it.

I honestly feel bad for Dean's liver. If he doesn't quit that kind of drinking and if he doesn't get killed by a leviathan, the series finale will end up being Dean dying of cirrhosis or liver failureSeriously, that is totally coming to a head soon because holy crap, dude, you have a serious dependency going on there. o_o ( ... )


janie_tangerine October 15 2011, 20:43:41 UTC
Yeah it was good that it was.. well, HER. I'd have hated it if it had been Dean's guilt personified or something like that. But I so so loved her being back.

Nah, not just you. Considering that it was the fulcrum of the whole thing, it should have been longer/a lot less light-hearted? But yeah I totes get what you man and agreeing 100%.

Eeeep. O_O whenever I see that I'm like 'Edgar Allan Poe had nothing on Dean Winchester'... seriously. He should quit it NOW, if even bartenders realize it. He needs to go to AA or something soon.

YESSS EVERYTHING THAT YOU SAID. I'm just.. idk, this whole thing about keeping secrets and bottling shit up is starting to make me go all like 'DESPAIR'. :( It's been seven seasons, I can't even buy 100% that they'd STILL do that. Well, that Dean would, Sam at least apparently got over it. At some point Dean will have to crack, but they can't drag it on forever. He needs to have that cry and have it SOON. possibly while burying his face in Cas's coat - ooops sorry. Uhm. Not really? Idek. I mean seriously ( ... )


kel_reiley October 15 2011, 20:41:10 UTC
1. JOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! I was always more Dean & Jo big brother, little sister kinda thing, but yes, that scene and the one before she dies where he kisses her goodbye? BREAK MY HEART! (i totes think they should bring Jo back to life for good...)

2. my love for Sam is sky-rocketing this season, trufax (also, for the 1st time ever... his hair looked good - that baby of theirs is going to have some major fucking hair)

6. Dean is NEVER going to learn that one (until after he dies for good, probably)

7. I did like that they really addressed his serious drinking problem, though

8. THIS.


10. Apart from "conversations in a field by the side of the road where Dean keeps his mouth shut about his problems (aka: most used trope in this entire show for the first thee seasons)" (which, AHAHAHA SO TRUE!) we are opposites, b/c I really liked s3... it might be my favorite ( ... )


janie_tangerine October 15 2011, 20:52:40 UTC
1. Totally with you on that! I liked it a lot better as a brother/sister thing, but I did shed my tear during Abandon All Hope and I did now :((( I MISS ALL THE ROADHOUSE PEOPLE OKAY ( ... )


kel_reiley October 16 2011, 04:01:03 UTC
Dear show, please stop making me want to punch Dean in the face! He is my favorite and I do not want to be mad at him.

I marathoned s1-5 over the summer before 6 started, so 1, 2 & 3 kind of run together for me. 2 is definitely where the show hit its stride, b/c a lot of 1 was boring. I think I just really liked the dynamic in most of s3. S4&5 also run together for me, I get mixed up which eps are in which season.

Characters I miss the most after Jo and Ellen? CHUCK AND BECKY! omg bring chuck and becky back!


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