Title: the fifth element
Pairing/Characters: Dean/Castiel, Sam, Crowley, Andy, Ash, Balthazar, Bobby, Henriksen, plus a number of others appearing
Word count: ∼23000
Rating: NC17
Spoilers: as it's an AU, none for the series and everything for the movie it's based on.
Warnings: violence, language, sort of minor character death that you know already if you've seen the original movie [highlight for explanations] red shirts and bad guys die.
Disclaimer: Supernatural isn't mine and The Fifth Element belongs to Luc Besson. I own nothing.
Summary: wherein it's 2060, Dean is a not-so-happy-with-his-life cab driver with an estranged priest brother and he finds out that the man who crashed into his car is the key to stop the end of the world.
A/N: extremely late fic for
missjigsaw23 for the
Everlasting Birthday Challenge at
deancastiel (extremely late because I was sure the day was one week later and then it ran away on me more than I thought), for the prompt: Fifth Element fusion: Dean is the down-on-his-luck cab driver, Cas is the 'supreme being' who crashes through the roof of the cab after escaping a government lab. Bonus points for Sam as Cornelius and/or Crowley as Zorg.. I switched the aliens for demons and angels and changed some other things, but the basic plot is that one. I'm afraid it isn't as deliciously campy as the original, but I hope it fits the bill. Also I should have achieved the bonus points ;) happy late birthday!
Part I |
Part II |
Part III