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Comments 33

topetine June 5 2011, 23:23:17 UTC
*giggles* Oh Jimmy. he is the catch of all catches <3

and i agree with your sneaky sneaky choices <3 I totally did that when I got 3 awesome ppl and one was Jack Harkness from torchwod, i was like "OOH OOH, CLIFF *then* Shag! Coz he's like immortal!" lolol.

i'll do a meme! *raises hand! :D <3

I saw your interview at Rec-Hymenated <3 Grats! you're famous! hehe.

also i don't get tumblr either, other than it's full of pretty shiny things that will eat me alive if i let it. seriously I lost like 2 days once just browsing tags...it was sad.


janie_tangerine June 5 2011, 23:31:37 UTC
JIMMY, HE'S SUCH A CATCH. He just needs to never say yes to angels. ;) *wants to keep him forever*

lol I like immortal beings/beings that can't be killed easily. They make the whole thing less hard. Even if it means that every time they give me two humans and Cas I feel like I should cliff him and IT MAKES ME FEEL BAD.

And haha, sure! I'll give you... mmmh, Castiel, Chin and Frank from RHPS. ;)

Ehe, thank you! Tbh I was baffled when they contacted me, now I wouldn't go as far as famous. ;) but it was fun!

Oh lol THAT. I haven't lost time browsing tags which I knew would be LONG work (I mean I totally browsed the Clint Eastwood one but you know. It wouldn't have been as bad as like Misha. XD) And I'm trying to just keep it to a healthy dose. Let's see how long it lasts..


topetine June 6 2011, 01:02:14 UTC
Totally! Pooooor jimmy he has issues :(
Indeed :( I alweays feel bad when I toss my immortal boos lol.
Was so sad. <3

& ur totally famous <3 hehe. Fandom famous!

Yeaaaaaahhh, someone on my friend's journal asked who dean & cas were after a really silly commentfic & I ended up spending 3 hours browsing tumblr for gifs to explain the epicness of dean&cas. It was so worth it.

Hehehe & meme!

Let's see:

Marry: Castiel. Because we're both epic awkward & awesome & I like wings

Shag: chin b/c he's srsly too good for me. Lololol. Srsly.

And cliff frank b/c as much as I love him, I don't trust him to not kill me lololol. Or dump me for a hot muscly blonde in gold hotpants <3 lolol.


janie_tangerine June 6 2011, 11:09:02 UTC

Also I agree with all of your choices - I'd do the same thing. And please snuggle Cas a lot for me as well, okay? ;) and HAHAHA your worries for Frank are legit. And Chin is probably too good for the world. XD


cassiopeia7 June 5 2011, 23:32:21 UTC
Also outside it's already thirty degrees

Yeah, that's just WRONG. (It was nearly that warm here a couple of days ago. WAY too hot for June.) :(

since Balthazar would totally be into it and I think Dean could be fairly convinced, I'd totally organize a nice threesome with the both of them. Then I'd cliff them both, because I have to cliff someone, but for Balthazar it would be moot since he can fly, and if he didn't decide to save Dean's ass, Castiel would show up and pick Dean up bridal style or something like that. Therefore everyone would be safe and sound and I'd have had a glorious time to top it all off. ;)

Jimmy wasn't a surprise, but you really thought the Dean and Balthazar options through -- your solution is multiple levels of brilliant. *applause*


janie_tangerine June 5 2011, 23:36:45 UTC
UGH I KNOW. I mean it's kind of redundant to complain about heat in Italy, it comes with the package, but jfc ten years ago you reached thirty degrees in mid-July, not late May :((((

Haha I guess Jimmy wouldn't surprise anyone. I just want to snuggle him forever. ;) But ehe, thanks! I just couldn't pick one given the option. (Especially after realizing the extent of the firmness of Sebastian's muscles on his back but let's just not dwell on that or I'd need to censor myself).


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janie_tangerine June 5 2011, 23:52:40 UTC
Lol I couldn't bring myself to cliff Dean without groping him first. ;) also I couldn't kill him like that, I want him to watch Clint movies with me! Lol if there was a 'who'd you want to be your BFF' option I'd have picked that. xD and I KNOW. UNF. SEBASTIAN IS JUST - it probably was seeing him in person but oh I'd so hit that. Also the Brit/French accent KILLS ME OKAY, I couldn't pass that. ;)

JIMMYYY. *draws hearts*

All right! :D you get... Castiel, Crowley and Miles. ;)


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janie_tangerine June 6 2011, 00:00:06 UTC
Oh I doubt that. He's as bad as Misha with personal space. Actually I think he's worse. He'd totally be into it I think xDDD but yeah. UNF. That man is just - UUUNFF.

Hahahah I'm evil. But good to know it was easy at least! ;) ;) ;) heck someone gave me Cas/Misha/f!Cas once, THAT one was WRONG XDD


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janie_tangerine June 6 2011, 11:12:23 UTC
But hi to you! :D

and thank you! <3 glad you did. And I KNOW ABOUT JIMMY. THEY COULD HAVE AT LEAST TOLD US HE WAS DEAD. Ugh this show's lack of concern for vessels makes me feel sad. They all deserved bad. Even that poor guy who ended up being Lucifer's meatsuit. :/

Also let's see! I'm giving you.. Anna and Castiel from SPN and Jacob from Lost.


kel_reiley June 6 2011, 02:46:51 UTC
4. of those 3, jimmy is really the only one marry-able (i'd totes go for dean, though... i'd then get kidnapped by demons, but whatevs)

6. HI! i recently friended you b/c i stalked through your fic like a creepy creeper, and have read both 'play it all night long' and 'there will come soft rains' twice now :)

also i don't know many ppl in the SPN fandom and blue_fjords swears up and down that you are all kinds of awesome - her word is gold


janie_tangerine June 6 2011, 11:14:15 UTC
Lol I can totally see why one would want to marry Dean. Heck, I'd do it if only because he'd totally understand my desire to spend our honeymoon watching Clint Eastwood flicks. But marrying a Winchester is too emotionally exhausting, I'll stick with Jimmy. Who's totally in my top five ever, so.

And ehe, hi! *friends back* much glad you like creeping on my stuff though. ;) also lol she said that? She's too nice to me but thank you. ♥


kel_reiley June 6 2011, 18:03:56 UTC
in my head our marriage goes like this:

*awesome sex*
me: ok, you go do crazy shit with your brother and i'll see ya later!
him: sure thing!
me: when you get back, i need you to fix my car
him: absolutely!

fantasy!dean is very amenable ;)


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