top five meme part one (or, the not-so-visual one)

May 28, 2011 10:44

So I looked at the top fives and decided that three out of eight required visual evidence and two youtube evidence, so I'm doing two posts. This round is one of the youtube ones and the visual evidence-less ones, the next will be the other youtube spam one and the ones with picspams ( Read more... )

tv shows, meme, damon/alaric is my happy place, the vampire thing gets its tag, movie recs, movies

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janie_tangerine May 29 2011, 21:20:01 UTC
Yep, I mean that one. It's really good - I'd totally go and recommend it. And nn La stanza del figlio was great. (And Il caimano too - but if I think about that one I feel depressed. Sigh.) But yeah, word on that.


I'm not a Benigni supporter when it comes to movies...I like him in other fields, but movie direction is definitely not his thing IMO.)

... are you me? Because the only Benigni movies I really like are the ones where he isn't directing. XDD And I love everything else he does but I'm not his movie's biggest fan.

And HAHAHAHAHAH SCORE FOR ME. THAT MOVIE IS GORGEOUS. I CAN'T WAIT TO HEAR YOUR OPINION ON THE ENTIRE THING. (Also if you want the soundtrack I can totally upload it for you. It's gorgeous.) AND TRINTIGNANT'S EYES ARE A THING OF BEAUTY. HE IS A THING OF BEAUTY. And haha yeah the bad guy was the hunchback in For A Few Dollars More indeed! ;D

This is from 1968 so it's after-Leone, but believe me, the English dub is worse. Also they changed the names and half of the dialogue, whut. Then again the important one doesn't talk, so. XD


thandie May 29 2011, 21:56:39 UTC
Same as you on Benigni! Actually I think I wouldn't even know how to place him in regard to how I see him...I think I like him as a personality, but I don't really think of him as an actor or director. He's so more of a stage animal IMO.

THAT MOVIE. I CRIED. The last scene had me jumping in my seat, I couldn't believe it. :// And wow, it makes so sense that this movie is set after Leone's Stranger with No Name's epic, because this one actually gives a new perspective on bandits and bounty hunters. It's perfectly reversed, and I suppose that makes KK's Tigrerio our Clint Eastwood...FUCKING COOL.

I also adore the fact that usually the actors are so inexpressive in these westerns, cold eyes and everything, while this one is ALL played on the VERY expressive eyes of the leads. Same goes for the OST, which IMO is warmer for this movie, than for the other soundtracks Morricone made for the CE's movies.

And then there's the snow, that I'm going to think of as symbolic too, and in perfect opposition to western's usual hot settings. It's like this movie is made to reverse all western's cliche.

The Sheriff is also a very original character! And the lady makes me think very much of Claudia Cardinale in C'era una volta il West, as she's strong and moves forward the plot (unusual in these kind of movies).

All in all, THANK YOU for making me know about this movie. <3<3<3


PS2: I can't believe I didn't know Klaus Kinski well before. I must have been blind!


janie_tangerine May 29 2011, 22:37:34 UTC
Yeah, he's better at stage things - but he did some pretty good stuff when he wasn't the one directing. (Like, try Jarmusch's Daunbailò. It stars Tom Waits as well. It's awesome. XD) but yeah I love him and I think he's awesome - I'm not that fond of his movies though.

AHA TOLD YOU IT WAS GOOD. AND I KNOW??? :((( I went into it knowing how it ended and I still was like '.... punch to the gut ohmygod NOOOOOOOO ;__________; *WEEPS*'. And I know? I mean, I'll always <333 Leone movies like woah but you can't argue that this one is way historically fairer. And oh dear now I'd just like Clint Eastwood to shoot KK in some random crossover sequel ;) ;) ;)

Also I KNOW? I LIKE THAT THEY ACTUALLY ACT. FOR GOOD. I have a thing for eyes-driven acting but in this one it was just like 'OH MY AWESOME'. I don't even have words for how good JLT is. <333 And yeah word about the western cliché reverse. That's why I love it so hard. Among other reasons. And I think I have a girlcrush on the lady. She's awesome. And SHE'S A REAL CHARACTER! Bless that. I mean, I don't watch spaghetti westerns for rampant feminism, but having a woman who actually plays a role and is actually awesome is refreshing. ♥ and YOU'RE WELCOME, I'll always be happy to pimp this movie out.

theeere you go with the ost!

And heee, I knew KK from some of the movies he did with Werner Herzog, then I found out he did a bunch of spaghetti stuff where he always played the bad guy and I was like 'aha you totally have the right face'. But he's GOOD. Except that in this particular movie I just wanted him to suffer even if I knew he was going to be the only surviving one.


thandie May 29 2011, 22:54:59 UTC
Never saw that one! I'm actually pretty ignorant about movies with Italian actors. I should definitely upgrade.

AHAH, I thought of CE shooting KK in some crossover movie too, LOL. I mean, KK is SO EVIL in this one, you can't believe it. The weird voice (could it be him speaking? I hear he talks Italian) is a plus.

JLT is like, one of the most beautiful and expressive men in the universe. Like most French actors of those years to be fair...there are a LOT of French actors I dig, to be honest. Remaining in the topic of hotness, i just read on IMDB that Tarantino is still not over with revisiting Italian cinema, so this time it's Django's time. And apparently Franco Nero (one of the best looking Italian actors ever IMO) is going to star in his upcoming movie too.

I googled Franco Nero just for kicks, and yes, still beautiful as I remember him. :)

Yeah, feminism isn't that popular in these movies, of course. :) And of course having a cool strong female in it is a great surprise! She's very beautiful too, WOW. I mean, her eyes!!



janie_tangerine May 29 2011, 23:05:48 UTC
OH BUT HAI FRANCO NERO UNFFFFFF. YOUR FACE. And oh, Django. That movie is awesome in its over-the-top-about-everything-ness, but it's not like his face doesn't add a very welcome plus. Mmmmhhhhhhhhhhh, ALSO FRANCO NERO STARRING IN A TARANTINO MOVIE OMG AWESOME. Actually Tarantino approaching Django would be awesome since it's not like he hasn't been referencing that since Reservoir Dogs anyway.. XD

Okay, drool fest over, in order. Daunbailò is hilarious really - and the fact that it's an american movie where one of the three leads speaks horrible English-turning-into-Italian half of the time is delightful. I enjoyed it a lot. :D

I KNOW? I mean jesus you don't get more evil than THAT O_o and yeah the Italian voice was so creepy/slimy. It was perfect for their target though, not complaining. But I'd have really liked to see Clint shooting him in an ideal crossover sequel. ;) and nn word about JLT. I totally dig French guys a whole damn lot but damn his face. And I know about the lady? She was stunning. Between him and her it was an overload of stunning. ;)



thandie May 31 2011, 16:11:02 UTC
Oh ARGH. Ho paura di averti linkato Terrence Hill invece di Franco Nero...solo che poi ho controllato meglio su google e pare sia impossibile capire chi sia quello in foto, Franco Nero o Terrence Hill...viene fuori per tutti e 2, LOL. Oh my, I can't tell!!

Veramente su un sito di TH c'è...forse è TH? MA POSSIBILE CHE NON LI DISTINGUO CON IL CAPPELLO!?


thandie May 31 2011, 16:15:00 UTC
FUCK, OK. It was TH indeed, in the Django sequel...they are twins!


janie_tangerine June 3 2011, 23:22:36 UTC
... LOL THEY DO LOOK ALIKE. Tho on closer look yeah, that one is Terence Hill. He has a uh, thinner face? Maybe? FN has it more squared. Or something. Idk I re-watched Django like last week, it's there in my head but idk how to put it.


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