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Comments 15

What? There's just a little dust in my eye... allthemiles April 16 2011, 02:09:37 UTC
What an amazing, beautiful story, but I'm not surprised as I've been the quiet, creepin' lurker reading and loving all the stories I've read by you.

And this. I love Jimmy and Jimmy/Castiel fics. I love apocalyptic/dystopian fics. And I have an inordinate love for melancholy. So. Way to hit all my buttons and then some. The moments between Jimmy and Cas were so painful and yet so perfect and that request Castiel has at the end?...and that's about all the words I can think of through my inner gibbering. Auugh, thanks for this. So much.


Re: What? There's just a little dust in my eye... janie_tangerine April 17 2011, 15:23:32 UTC
Aw, thank you so much! <3 I'm really so glad that this worked for you, especially because it's not really the kind of fic I usually write and I was pretty worried about having pulled that off. But it's really great to hear that it pushed your buttons correctly and that especially the ending worked for you. Thank you for reading it! ♥


dossier April 16 2011, 23:23:31 UTC
I really love this story; it goes to a place that I haven't seen before, and does it so well. Jimmy as the last old model vessel on Earth (with memories), meeting the other vessel (without, and can you really say that *is* Dean Winchester, if he has no concept of self or memory?) is kind of cheering, then Castiel really dies for sure at last. Ow.

Heaven on Earth's weird fluidity of time was cool, and served the story well. the weather, the gaps in Jimmy's understanding, and his avoidance of former civilization are the bellwethers. Michael's change of heart - wiping Dean's memory and bailing for heaven - is a question that keeps pinging around in my head. He seems capricious and compassionate in the same stroke, highlighting how alien the angels really are.

I have to say that I once used the same Tom Waits song as the basis for a story, but I think the apocalyptic aspect is perfect for it.


janie_tangerine April 17 2011, 15:28:46 UTC
Thanks so much! It's so good to know it worked for you because it's not really what I usually do so it's awesome to hear that it did work. (Talks one who usually can't even read character death, er.) But seriously, thanks for the lovely words, I'm really happy that you liked it this much. Also regarding Michael I was aiming pretty much for the capricious/fickle/sort-of-compassionate thing, so it's good he worked as well - I was mostly wanting to make the whole thing as unsettling as possible.

Also that song had a title that was too good to pass. It wasn't the main force behind this and I had finished this a while before finding the right title but then it just really fit and I figured I could go for it. (Mostly I couldn't follow the book I took inspiration from because the title would've been Dean and Castiel, er. Which would have been way misleading.)


angary April 17 2011, 11:47:34 UTC
God, this is gutting, to say the least.

I love so many things about this: the emptiness of the world, the vessels - OMG so creepy and absolutely tragic - Jimmy hearing Cas's voice in his head, then a fragment of Cas really being in him, Cas's death and gratefulness to Jimmy after being forgiven, the reveal that Castiel had tried speaking out against the other angels and being punished for it - seriously, oh, Castiel ;___; - then the tentative hope and re-discovery at the end between Jimmy and Dean. It's not a happy ending, but a bittersweet one, so in that sense, it is perfect for this type of scenario. This fic gripped me tight and... from the beginning, and a part of me feels like it went by too fast, but not in a bad way. I could read a fic set in this verse with another 12k words.

This is my favorite line:

Ironic. One spends his life sure that if he does things right he’ll get himself a nice small piece of Eden for a reward, and then he finds out that it’s better not to go.It says so much in so little, and I love that it has a ( ... )


janie_tangerine April 17 2011, 15:43:17 UTC
Oh my thank you so much, really. Getting this comment totally made my morning today, I'm so glad that it worked for you. Mostly because I was kind of pushing my own writing boundaries for this one and it's just great to know that it worked. Especially because I was aiming for the unsettling vibe so it's very good to hear it actually felt as creepy as I hoped for it to be. ;) Also I really felt horrible about killing poor Cas but this so wasn't the setting where saving everyone was going to work so it's really good to know that the ending made sense to you as well, since I was aiming for the bittersweet-at-most as well.

Also your favorite line is totally one of my own favorites as well. ;) And really, thanks so very much again for the lovely words, I'm so happy that you liked it this much. ♥


e0wyn April 18 2011, 16:14:06 UTC
Eccomi, l'ho letta finalmente!

Stupenda, davvero. Sai, di solito probabilmente non leggerei una storia dove Jimmy ha un ruolo così grande (non perchè odi il personaggio o che, anzi... solo che preferisco leggere storie Dean/Cas o, al massimo, Castiel centriche). Però il fatto che l'avevi scritta tu mi ha spinto a provare e le premesse mi sembravano interessanti.

Beh, sono contenta di averlo fatto. Il mondo post-apocalittico che hai creato è davvero vivido, un posto dove splende sempre il sole e dove tutti hanno gli occhi di Dean (detta così, sembra quasi un bel posto se uno non ha letto la storia XD). E che tristezza, tutti questi "umani" 2.0 che non hanno altro scopo nella vita se non quello di essere dei semplici tramiti... complimenti, le caratterizzazioni sono davvero perfette, sia per i personaggi conosciuti sia per appunto gli altri umani.

“Are you crying because you’re really that happy to see me or what? Were we best friends or somethin’?” he asks, almost joking, and Jimmy wishes he could say no, ( ... )


janie_tangerine April 22 2011, 09:09:27 UTC
Eeee ciao! ;)

... sorry per quanto riguarda lo spargimento di lacrime ma davvero sono contentissima che ti sia piaciuta specialmente se Jimmy non è il tuo soggetto solito. ;) (mmh, si vede che ho delle preferenze io in quel telefilm? NOOO. Ma non avevo mai scritto niente con lui protagonista che fosse di lunghezze tangibili e volevo dargli una possibilità xD)

E seriamente, non è il tipo di cosa che scrivo di solito (character death? io? cosa mi è saltato in testa? XDD) quindi sapere che funziona fa MOLTO piacere. <333333333333 grazie mille! E oddio, mi sa che ti devo dei fazzoletti? *manda virtualmente* grazie ancora! ♥


4422shini April 19 2011, 22:24:12 UTC
Wow. That was very unique and thoughtful. I very much enjoyed it, even though I feel like I want to ball my eyes out :D



janie_tangerine April 22 2011, 09:04:45 UTC
Aw, thanks! :D it's great to know you liked it. And sorry for the whole bailing youreyes out thing but I can only feel sort of accomplished if it had that effect. ;)


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